
Pink Mafia Initiations at X-Keys 7/10-11

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Cross Keys is truly da bomb diggity! I made 23 jumps there from the 24th - 30th. Those guys skydive so hard but know how to kick it up at night! I didn't get to any of the girls because all of my jumps were training jumps but there sure are some nice girls up there! Have fun!!!B|

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Darn it! Darn it! Darn it!

You HAD to pick the one weekend that I couldn't go to Xkeys![:/] You should continue right up to Jumptown in Mass the following weekend and come jump with me and Amy Chmelecki! Going t be some good flyers there and some sweet jumps!;)

Well, I KNOW you will love Xkeys, so we will just have to plan another weekend to meet there!:)

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You HAD to pick the one weekend that I couldn't go to Xkeys!

if you really loved me, you'd cancel any plans and come down to x-keys! :P

sorry we'll miss you this weekend. just as sorry i can't make it to jumptown the next weekend to jump with you and amy. [:/] got my 10-yr high school reunion, and i've just got to go to get a good laugh out of it since it will probably be the only one i will attend.

i'll see you in 6 weeks - at most :)

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