
First Reserve Ride

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Jump # 102 was my first Reserve ride.

After a great 4way, we broke off at 4500 and tracked. I was ready to pull by 3500 but waited a second or two longer to pull at 3000. I went to pull and with a bad grip, the pilot chute only came out a few inches, I then started to hear my 3rd tone (2500') on my Pro-track and went to reach one last time but the hacky was flapping in the wind and I did not want to spend to much time trying to get it, so I went for silver. Great opening on a PD 176 (I think that is the right size)... Roger I owe you a bottle. good ride down nice landing...

The only two things I think I did wrong was, I let go of the handle :S and then I watched my free bag go down. I watched it long enough to see where it was going, then I turned into the wind to land..... When I went to pick up my free bag, it was not where I thought it was going to be [:/]. If I have another reserve ride, I will keep the handle and follow the free bag.

Safety recommendation... Get a good gripe on your hacky the first time.

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:)"next time I will keep the handle and follow the free-bag".
You could fixate onto the free-bag and put yourself into a tight landing spot, ending up with injuries or worse. Every situation is unique and requires judgement. Off course you could be jumping on a DZ with miles of space. Just checking.;)

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Shouldn't this be posted in the Safety & Training forum? I think lately there have been too many "small" incidents which should have been posted in the other forum. Not that they are not interesting and you can learn from them (like this one) - they should probably just be posted in the other forum.
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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>If I have another reserve ride, I will keep the handle and follow the free bag.

I'd suggest just landing normally and letting someone else find the freebag (or cutaway main.) Don't forget, you're now under a canopy you've never jumped before (or jumped only rarely.) It's not a good time to do an accuracy approach into an unfamiliar, and potentially tight, landing area. There are going to be other people on the load who see your reserve, and will follow (or at least mark the location of) your main and/or freebag. This is pretty common at the places I usually jump.

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What Bill said: With almost 3000 jumps i stalled a Reserve on landing and broke my wrist. Do several practice flares up high and fly the canopy around getting use to it. Make sure you are landing in a safe place. Your friends job is to watch your free bag, your job is to land safely.B|

Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...

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I'm only asking to see what everyone else thinks - it's your own personal decision, but 2500 seems like a high hard deck once off student status. What do people with a little over 100 jumps recommend the hard deck to be? I have a little over 100 now and have mine set at 1930.

"If you've never jumped out of a plane, the best way I can describe it is it feels as if you've just jumped out of a freakin' plane."
David Whitley (Orlando Sentinel)

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>but 2500 seems like a high hard deck once off student status.

Seems like a good choice to me. Many HP canopy pilots use a higher decision altitude so they have more time to deal with a canopy that can hammer them into the ground in seconds during a mal.

>I have a little over 100 now and have mine set at 1930.

You do realize your altimeter is only accurate to +/- 300 feet or so, right? ~1900 feet should be no problem as long as you practice emergency procedures, jump reasonably sized canopies and don't have any other special considerations (i.e. like you're doing big-ways and cannot pull high.)

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My guess is that since he has a bit over 100 jumps and a 176 reserve, he likely doesn't have a HP canopy, but I see your point on that issue.

Yes, I know the altimeter +/- factor. This is actually the lowest hard deck I've had. I started at 2500, then gradually have been working my way down. I was at 2200 for quite a while after student status, but with 8-way formation, pulling at 3,000 - my snivel has been causing it to go off, so I lowered it just below snivel to at least give me time to do a quick SSS canopy check before freaking with that thing going off. Some at my DZ say I should have it at 1800, but I'm not doing that until I'm comfortable with it (or never). Thanks for your input.

"If you've never jumped out of a plane, the best way I can describe it is it feels as if you've just jumped out of a freakin' plane."
David Whitley (Orlando Sentinel)

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Here`s the story about my first one.

I had about 32 jumps. I went to the DZ with some missing sleeping time. I had less than 4 hours sleep 2 consequent nights before. Ive jumped out @ 2000m. Ive thought that I had problem with the slider after opening. Ive cut away and opened reserve - PZ-81. PZ-81 is a triangular, stearable reserve without free-bag.The problems had just started. I couldnt find stearing!! Some line of tries were in land way of landing. Ive tried to use mind control, swing, control through harmness. I got a surpizly soft landing. Ive found the stearing on the ground. It was grey on grey harmess. I havent ever seen that reerve not packed.
My instructor has asked me why did I cut away etc. I was told I was flying more than 1 min with a perfect canopy.

Lessons learnt: dont go zombifly! Know your equipmnt.
You can see a PZ-81 on this page. Im sorry this page is in Hungarian. http://www.kfki-isys.hu/pg/prof/pzp/a.htm

blue skyz

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I had my 1st reserve today,I put it in talkback.Besides feeling like I've been kicked in the chest by a mule I feel pretty good about not panicing and doing what I was trained to do in a emerg.All I can say is for everybody to constantly practice touching thier handles and reveiwing emerg proceds.When I cut away today I did'nt have to look at my handles.My hands went staight to them.I know it's diff with a spinner.But my handles in this case were right where they were supposed to be.

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