
the "fear"

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im one week away from getting back in the air after a scary dust devil accident and injury while visiting SD arizona. the worst part of the whole inccident has happened in the3 weeks of recovery, the "fear" has had time to fester. i love this sport way too much to ever let it ground me. any words of wisdom from my brothers and sisters would be greatly appreciated
blue skys

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Get your ass back in the air !! You'll be a little apprehensive at first but after you - successfully - land you'll remember why you're in this sport in the first place.

P.S. - once you're out of the plane you're committed anyway so enjoy the dive ;)

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at about 15 feet a dustdevil collapsed and spun up my canopy. all i could do was put my feet and knees together arms in and brace for the impact. let me tell you that desert is rock hard. i landed on my left side same time as the balled up mess i call a saber. i bounced off the ground into a thorny bush. i feel very lucky, it could have been much worse. god bless hard helmets. just got some bruises cuts and spraines

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I spent nearly a year on crutches after smashing my femur hooking it when I had 156 jumps. I remember the feeling you describe when, like a moth to the flame, I decieded to go again.

I kitted up, limped to the kite, rode up, watched a 4 way with cam exit, and thought... I'm fine. I don't need to do this. I don't need to be on crutches ever again, and then, surprise, I was out the door.

That was about 3750 dives ago... all without injury.
Go for it. That feeling in your belly. It's not fear. It's energy! And it wants OUT!

It's the year of the Pig.

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one week after my first cutaway, all I can think about was, is the main going to open all the way up to altitude, and tell to opening. it's all worth it
fear is good it keep you alive
"A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones ..."

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I agree with everyone aying to get back in the air ... in the meantime, remember some of your favorite jumps (in freefall and landing), and think of all the things you still want to do in the air!

Life is like riding in a taxi.
Even when you're not going anywhere the meter is ticking
- Masked & Anonymous

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