
How do you avoid collisions with hook turners?

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Quick story...I have ran into sooooo many hook turners that believe that they do have the right to hook turn. I have even heard "you guys have bigger canopies so please dont hang over the main landing area". I have a tiny canopy....the way I figure it is that if you have a small canopy and cant deal with traffic...you shouldnt be jumping that canopy. This amazes me...

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["you guys have bigger canopies so please dont hang over the main landing area". I have a tiny canopy....the way I figure it is that if you have a small canopy and cant deal with traffic...you shouldnt be jumping that canopy. This amazes me...[That's one of the reasons I started this thread. The idea that people who have a small canopy have some different "rights" than larger canopy pilots. But having said that - you don't really want F-16's flying in the same pattern as C-152's.]
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True...but a good portion of DZs dont have the benefit of having large landing areas like Deland, Sebastian, etc. Some places you have no choice but the have larger and smaller canopies in the same airspace especially in the Northeast.

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its not the skill swooper you got to wary about. It 's the other learning to swoop, so if possible have a area just for swooper set aside like lake elsnore ***throw in my penny
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The Hook Turners are usually the same people that:
a) Open low
b) Have rocket canopys that land well before me anyway
c) Like to land in the spectator area which is tiny - and I don't like to land there anyway

I am going to have to cry bullshit on this one.

I throw at 3000 unless the skydive or traffic demands that I go lower (and I don't like it when it does).

I like having a designated area with plenty of outs. It is much more fun for me to concentrate on canopy performance than obstacle avoidance. I think most swoopers that approach it as a discipline would agree with this.

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. . . you don't really want F-16's flying in the same pattern as C-152's.

It's actually possible to mix B-737s and C-152s quite well, IF everybody understands what's going on and deals with things accordingly. For instance, John Wayne Airport in Orange County, California does just this and it works quite well as long as . . . well, you get the idea.
quade -
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