
New England Boogie/100way Schedule 8/24-29

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Hello everyone,

Just a reminder about the biggest New England event of the year and the last opportunity this year to pull off the ever elusive New England 100-way.

Location: Skydive Pepperell; Pepperell, MA

Dates: August 24-29, 2004

Some of the fun (more below):
Bi-plane rides
Helicopter rides
Helicopter jumps
Helicopter tandems
High altitude jumps.
"Lobstah" bake and Island Theme Party with DJ
Sunset Cross Country
Sunset Hit and Chug
Mid-day swoop accuracy and distance contest

Tuesday August 24
Night Jumps

Wednesday August 25
Airplanes: 3 Casas and 1 Caravan
Sunset: Cross Country
Sunset: Hit and Chug

Thursday, August 26
Airplanes: 3 Casas and 1 Caravan
Experienced jumper big ways Skydiving with Roger Ponce, Kate Cooper, Tom McLaughlin, Sally Burgess, Nancy LaRivierre, Skip Kniley
Fusion 50/50 - join the all men's and all women's records with 50+ way skydives by contacting paula@skyjump.com
Sunset: Cross Country
Sunset: Hit and Chug
DZ BBQ - see Skip

Friday, August 27
Airplanes: 3 Casas, 1 Caravan, Alouette II helicopter
Fusion 50/50 - 50+ way sequentials - to join contact paula@skyjump.com
General load organizing with Guy Wright.
11am - sunset: Alouette II helicopter jumps and rides
Helicopter tandems 1-3
Helicopter passenger rides 4-6
Mid-day sport accuracy and distance contest
Sunset: Cross Country
Sunset: Hit and Chug
DZ BBQ - see Skip

Saturday, August 28
Airplanes: 3 Casas, 1 Caravan, Alouette II helicopter, Stearman
Fusion 50/50 100-ways - to join contacting paula@skyjump.com
General load organizing with Guy Wright.
Helicopter tandems 8:00-10:30
Helicopter passenger rides 12-2
Stearman Bi-plane passenger rides all day
Mid-day sport accuracy and distance contest
Sunset: Cross Country
Sunset: Hit and Chug
Island Theme Party, Lobster bake and DJ.
Limbo contest (How low can you go?)

Sunday, August 29
Airplanes: 3 Casas, 1 Caravan, Alouette II helicopter, Stearman Bi-plane
Fusion 100+-ways - - to join contact paula@skyjump.com
General load organizing with Guy Wright.
Helicopter tandems 8:00-10:30
Helicopter passenger rides 12-2
Stearman Bi-plane passenger rides all day
Mid-day sport accuracy and distance contest
Sunset: Cross Country
Sunset: Hit and Chug

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