
Jump with Sponge Bob at WFFC

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Paiger at SGC wanted me to bring Sponge Bob out to jump at the WFFC so we could do some Sponge Bob-ways. Sponge Bob is my tandem buddy, and an excellent sitflyer. The reason I sit fly with his is because he SUCKS on his belly (and I'm sure he will on his head as well.) Having all unruly cotton on your belly might be the reason.

Paiger also thought this would be a cool way to get a Sponge Bob Squarepants # as well. Here is what you do:

Find me at the WFFC (try the SGC or Dropzone.com tent) and tell me you want to jump with SpongeBob.
You must dock on Sponge Bob in flight (and not leave any marks or blood trails on the tandem master.)
Extra points if you can pass something to me in FF related to Sponge Bob.

Why should you jump with SpongeBob?
1. It's free (only your jumpticket)
2. It's safe (I've never hurt anyone in freefall...at least there are no witnesses)
3. You'll get a cool video of yourself from the tandem master...nice wide angle shot.
4. It's different, and you'll get your SBS number.
5. I won't have to jump alone!

I'm sure my SGC friends will remind me who has jumped with Bob already (I know of Mark, John, and Eric., maybe Wrong Way..someone else help me out here.)

Anyway, the numbers start at 10 and go up. I have SBS-1. Paiger is the honorary SBS-2 (holding if for her until she docks on me this year as we both moved away from our home DZs). My SGC buddies get the 3-9 because I'm sure they've jumped with him.

Find another Cajun Chicken and another Rodriguez Brother and we could do a three-qualifying dive (just rember to flash the gang sign in flight.)

We'll see you at Freefall!

No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is
sick of her shit!

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So will Sponge-Bob be doing the Bob Way jump? I think there is a little newsworthiness in it...Let me know, bet I'll get your pic in the paper..
I'm already in Rantoul yee ha! drop me line and I'll send you my cell #

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So will Sponge-Bob be doing the Bob Way jump? I think there is a little newsworthiness in it...

I didn't think of that, but aren't Bobways belly flights? I've done SB on my belly, it's wholly unruly (and maybe even dangerous to others near my airspace.) However, we could do a hybrid Bob-way safely. I'll drop you the line.

No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is
sick of her shit!

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