Some Basic Fun Things To DO With A 280 Student Canopy!

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hia i'm still working towards my BPA Cat 8
Are there any fun, productive (but safe) things i could do in my "play time" with the student canopy i'm using (280sqft make unknown) that will help me understand the workings of canopy control

4 jumps gone and i still have yet to do anything fun with it :(

(admin guys) sorry if this is in the wrong section it's just i'm still in training and wanting to learn some new stuff :)
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If you visit the above link, then check the links for each category under the dive flows column. This will give you the the USPA ISP canopy control dive flows. This includes everything from basic turns and landing patterns to riser turns, reverse canopy turns, nine practice flares to find the ideal way to flare your canopy, etc. If you want more information behind why you would be doing these exercises (like the reverse canopy turns), check the links under the ISP Program column. And always be sure you are doing everything up high!

These are just the basics that USPA has decided all students should try. I'm sure others will have more suggestions for you. Have fun! ;)

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hia i'm still working towards my BPA Cat 8
Are there any fun, productive (but safe) things i could do in my "play time" with the student canopy i'm using (280sqft make unknown) that will help me understand the workings of canopy control.

Wayne - best piece of adivece I can give you is ask you instructors. Ther're always willing to help you (usually).

But as Luna and SkyMonkey say - Partice you flaring and turning up high. ALso try to learn about using your risers. You can have a lot of fun witgh your risers.
Ben G
Still Sinking :-(

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Be careful. On my AFF Level VII jump, I was fooling around and I buried the right toggle to my thigh. I was told that student 280's were so forgiving that I should try a bunch of stuff up high to explore the canopy.

Well.....the canopy surged right and all of a sudden it spun itself up. I had maybe 6 line twists with the right steering line now locked. I immediately thought "CHOP" but looked at my alti and was at 3200 ft. I was in a slow spin but it was getting faster (still slowly). So I grabbed the risers and kicked out of the twists. At least I learned how to do it.

This would have been a more painful outcome if done much lower. I was shocked to see that this brief episode ate up more than 1000 feet.

The message is try things up high and never below 2500 feet. I learned you can hurt yourself on a student 280.

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one of the first things i were told were that i should try to fly so wild that the canopi would malfunktion,it aint posible if you do it in the prober alti.try to stall it,more than you feel that you start going backwards,try to make as hard turn you want.

BEAWARE:playing in a canpoi should be done whith out nearby traffic,and in the prober alti.

Its werry fun to trashfly the canopi,in that way you also learnhow much you can push it.

Rember your groundtraining by what to do if you get twists,cells that aint pressureized and so on,thouse are the common "mal"if you start to play under such a canopi.Not a big deal,but you´ll learn how to react

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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cheers for that :)

i must have have had all of the nusance factors (high slider, twists end cell closure) by now so thats no sweat..

on my next jump i'll be out at 4k i think so plenty time to try a turn :)
just can't wait to jump again

1 jump away from my first freefall B|

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things that are fun and you can learn from a canopy is stalling it with rear riser and also stalling it with the control lines.

do that above 2000 feets.

ask your instructor for briefing on how to stalls in a safe way.


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Dont let yourself scared by others. Fisrt of all get your canopy open and check it! Chck your position for landing and check surrounding traffic. If you everything is fine you can play. Basicly you can try everything you want over 400m. You can stall by breaking. You can stall by full left turn and pull right toggle too. You can me a full stall and release breaks fast. You cant harm yourself.


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