
Jump for the Cause '05

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Jump for the Cause, skydivings premier fund raising and record
breaking organization has set dates for its next event.

JFTC '05 is scheduled from 26 September through 01 October, 2005 and the
location is Skydive Perris, in California, USA.

As in past years the goal of this event is two fold. First, to raise
money and awareness for breast cancer research through our beneficiary City of
Hope www.cityofhope.org. Second to set a new FAI Sanctioned World
Record in formation skydiving for women. The goal for JFTC '05 is a
150 way. Jump for the Cause has set two prior World Records for women,
in 1999 (118) and in 2002 (131). Information on both the current event
and prior events can be found on the website located at

Persons wishing to participate in the event may either try out with
one of the many regional recruiters located world wide, or send a Skydiving
CV directly to co-organizer Kate Cooper at katejumps@square1.com

Donations are being accepted and can be made in the name of a participating jumper.

The organizing committee for JFTC '05 consists of:
Kate Cooper
Mallory Lewis
Tony Domenico
Richard Seymour

Please let me know if you have any questions. Why don't we attempt to place the usual flames, commentary, and/or misperceptions on how I demean women, men and small animals by donating my time to organizing this event onto a different thread for once. (run on sentence commentary also optional)

blue skies, pink suits

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