
Skydive Atlanta Freefly Halloween Festival!!!!

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Bolas....you can't be me, i could see from your costume that you tried....good try, but you're not me

For the sake of this planet, that's a good thing. :P I'll leave the gimp thing to you from now on, it was fun but all those spankings by the lovely ladies made my drive home a little uncomfortable. B|

Sorry we didn't get to flock together working boy.

Good seeing everyone: old, new, forgotten. Everybody's costumes were great.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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Everyone make sure when you talk to Ali, call her Ali not the full version

Aww, sorry about the hard time I gave you...:P Oh and Jake, my name is spelled with two l's (Alli)! ;)

Thanks to everyone that made this boogie so much fun!

Special thanks to:

The Skydive Atlanta staff for organizing such a fantastic event!

All the kick-ass freeflyers that made my skydives such a blast!

Shimmel for picking me up at the airport and being such a cool guy!

My Mafia Girls, Mel and Brooke, for reuniting with me after so long! Love you girls so much!!

Bettina, Dee, Katie H., Kate, Deva, Libby, Shannon, Katie D., Jen, Casey, Andrea, Brie, Samantha, and so many more lovely ladies for representin' the Mafia and just being so kick-ass!!

Ian for the lack of bickering...;) Luv ya, dude!

Great to see so many of you again...Brian M., Crimson, Chris C., Davey B., Erin, Brian B., Eric, Jon, Greg, Johnathan, Jason, Steph, Kolla, Pablo....the list goes on!!!

Nice to finally meet Jake, Dan, Sharon, Kelly, Kristi, Sheena, and more that I just can't remember right now! ;)

This boogie rocked!!!!
P.M.S. #3

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

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And Andrea....im gona kick your ass next time i see you for leaving without saying goodbye....

I left the dz at about 10:30, which was really 11:30 because of the time change. Get your ass out of bed at a normal hour next time. :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I had a blast! Thanks for the great times and great jumps everyone! It was great to meet so many new people and to see so many wonderful friends! Meeting new friends and hanging with old ones is what it's all about!

I know I have finally made it too, cuz I made Ian's avatar!:)
Thank you Pink Mafia girls! You all rock!

I love you Shannon!

Thanks to everyone and for being part of my life!

Here are some pictures.

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Lazer show. Sick ass f*ckin' costumes. Wall to wall hotties dressed up as characters from every twisted fantasy I've ever had. And I forget to bring a CAMERA!
PLEASE anyone who got shots of this mayhem post them ASAP so you can help me piece together my hazy memories.
If I had to pick one party to drive 4 hours to with nothing but 1/2 tank of gas and my last 26 bucks in my pocket this would be it.
2 helo jumps, free eats, free beer, cool music (once I got into the uhhhh...mood for it), kick ass light show, and a hangarful of eye candy which I will carry with me at countless, long, lonely moments in the dark. And I don't know about the rest of you but I can't remember the last time I was so totally entertained by a glass ball juggling mime dude. :o
All that and I somehow managed to leave with 30 bucks in my pocket.

Special props to Uncle/Papa Whit for another half dozen hook-ups including my first ever Helo jump and crash space in his PimpWagon (That old camper's gonna kick ass once you get some new sturdier springs in it.;)).

It was cool meeting all those new people whose names I won't be able to remember at the next boogie -especially skymama who turned out to be the ball busting smart ass I expected her to be- but I agree with whoever said we should wear name tags next time. Maybe with just our screen names.

Which reminds me: just in case anyone's still confused, the black dude in my avatar is NOT ME. If you don't know who that is, you should listen to more reggae music.

See you freax at the MoFo.
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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those are great chris! i notice you did your best to jump with the girls!

i can't begin to tell you how much fun i had. it was so great to see my friends, and make new ones. i hope casie doesn't hold my drunken ass smacking against me. :$

mel and jj - you know we love you guys. :)it was also wonderful to see shannon, dee, alli, deva, chris, freakous, and tami. i am so glad to have met andrea, chaos & porn kitty, ian & katie, gimp, bolas, and all the other beautiful people that i talked to and who smiled at me and shared the sky. thank you all. this couldn't have been a better boogie to end the season with. :)
extra special thanks to the skydive atlanta crew and also to my man who's always down to jet off to just about any boogie with me. xo

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especially skymama who turned out to be the ball busting smart ass I expected her to be

LOL...well, at least I lived up to you expectations of me. You did say I was too reserved though. :P

I'm still exhausted from the drive, jumps and party but I just wanted to say that some of the nicest people I've ever met in skydiving were at that boogie and it truly made for a great experience for me and I'm so glad I made the trip. I loved all the chick jumps that I did on Saturday. Even though they didn't all build as we had hoped (with Mike Ortiz to witness it even! :S), just being with you all in the sky made it fun. The best part of the boogie was that we are all safely back on the ground and had fun! What more could you ask for? B|

Thanks and cudos to the Skydive Atlanta staff. The only thing I could ask for next year is more bathrooms! :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Oh and Jake, my name is spelled with two l's (Alli)!

Sweetie, didnt you know that im unique and special?? thats is my own way of saying/spelling it. :P

Sorry for the delay folks....shutterfly really slow, pics will be posted by lunch time.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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My god how did I miss this. Please everyone if I start saying something like "I need a break" again then just hit me over the head throw me in the trunk and feed me a bit of candy when we get there. I am just going to stop reading this so that I won't start crying.

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cross post warning!

If you missed it in the Bonfire, I just uploaded 400+ images to http://skydiveatlantapix.com/


Awesome pics Tim, Thanks!!!

What a great weekend. It was so nice putting smiles w/ familiar names!! I met sooooo many people this weekend and had an absolute blast!!! My helo jump kicked so much ass!!!

My PMS girls...it was wonderful meeting you guys finally. I wasn't able to get my initiatin jump in as planned, but I have no doubt there will be a next time!!

Skydive Atlanta...Kudos to on helluva party. Thanks!!!
I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!

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Awesome Party Atlanta!!!! I am so glad I chose this for my christening into Atlant Boogies. The music was awesome, everyone was having a great time!!!! Anyone happen to get any good pics, give me an e-mail. My cell wasn't the only thing I lost in atlanta. Funny how you can forget things like that when you're too busy dancing....:) God Squad I love you all!!! See you guys soon

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Oh B....it was especially good to see you again!! You are the most darling sweetheart!

Um, and did you happen to see Jake's pictures of me and you?? Kinda risque....but I LIKE it!!! Love you, babe!
P.M.S. #3

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

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Thank you everyone for making this year's festival a great success. It wouldn't happen without you guys. The final tally was 220 people registered. 92 jumps on 30 Helicopter loads, 1213 jumps on 32 Skyvan and 46 Super King Air loads. We have plans to make next year even bigger and better. We promise next year more bathrooms, more packing area, and another aircraft or 2. Our goal is 300 people.
Anyone who took any pictures, we'd love to see them. Throw them on a CD and mail to:
Skydive Atlanta
2333 Delray Rd
Thomaston, GA 30286
We're hoping somebody out there has pictures of the firebreathing magician and the laser!
We hope everybody had a great time, thanks again, we'll see you next year's Atlanta Freeflight Festival October 28th-30th, 2005.


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Man, what can I say, this boogie lived up to all the hype...and then some!!

Trey, Tim, and the rest of the SDA staff: Thanks for the hard work for making this happen.

It was great to see everyone again and great to meet a lot of new people! This is what it's all about in the end...you guys ROCK!!

Everyone who has posted pics....nice job!!

Till next time....B|

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