
new dz in socal

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Was really great seeing "the family" at socal last weekend. Cant wait to see molly on sat. Hope some other old time Brown Field jumpers show up. It should be a good weekend! I was told I could start packing again so thats great! Keith,Barb,Dave,Wayne and Kent are the same they were 4 years ago. Looking forward to seeing all the old family this weekend! Jump or Die!!
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I actually heard the rumor about a month ago when a couple of employees from SoCal came up to SSD (unfortunately their names have escaped my memory). Anyway, this was when they had the Otter... however, it appears that their situation has changed since. I would certainly love some clarification - I'd be down there all the time! :)

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We are in a transitional phase right now where we are using a C206 to put up students and a few up jump loads. Not sure who told you it had no paint, infact it is Yellow and White, and in good condition. This is just temporary as we will be getting the King Air ASAP, we've already hired the pilot. I will post when we acctually have it here on the airfield. As far as the $10 jump tickets, they are through Labor Day (Sept 6th). We have a great crew out here and would love to see more experienced jumpers.

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Yes they are $10...

But they only have a Cessna and there really is no one there to jump with, thus the ten dollar jumps to bring in some atmosphere and experienced jumpers...


"The edge ... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who know where it is are those that have gone over"

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HAHAHAHAHAHA Yes that is the Boricua. It is only our back up vehical for the weekend and the van we drive on slow week days. The bus driver only works weekends, but we do have a full sized tour bus that is very nice that we use most of the time. Everyone that has ridden in th "Boricua" (Students and experienced jumpers) loves it though! even though it looks more like a van you'd smuggle illegals in!

As for the $10 jumps, as advertised, they are a special running through Labor Day so Mon the 6th is the last day before they go back to $18.

I will post the second I get the set details on when the new plane is coming, we've already hired the pilot, so it won't be long.

Actually, it's on the DZ.com listing, not the website. The website looks like it has not been updated in a while.


Yes i recently aquired the rights to the dz.com listing and have been trying to keep it up-to-date. But I'm still working on getting the rights to the acctual website, I know it needs to be up-dated badly (think the last time was in March). Please be patience as I have had alot to deal with since I came to work for Joe. The office was my first priority now I'm working on the advertising end and jumpmaster situations.


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This DZ is gonna rock when that kingair gets there.As soon as possible I will be going throuth the riggers course,and eventually get to be a bonafied skydiver.With the king air the amount of re-packs on tandems and sport rigs is gonna skyrocket. That and seeing more local's is gonna be awsome!!!
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On another note,I am in no way trying to slam skydive san diego.There's more than enough people in San Diego and elswhere to to have good business with 2 more local DZ's I have nothing but high reguards for Andy and his staff. Unfortatly I have not been able to meet the folks at Perris and Elsinor.But when I get my A licence you can bet I'll be there at least once a month.Skydivers are the bomb! So far I haven't met one I didnt like.I hope to be jumping with some of you soon!!
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Hey Guy, I'm there every weekend! I always have people to jump with. You cannot mention who's jumping there since I haven't seen you down there in 4 months - one month after it was open. It's a dz with a positive vibe, and those who "grew up at Brown", know what I mean. We interact with the tandems and AFF and pick up on their excitement. I like jumping with the people just off AFF too. We hang out at the end of the day, drink our beers and watch the sunset. I smile from the time I get there until the time I leave. I have found my home dz...

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Sounds like a great place to jump. i know what you mean about picking up the excitement of the new (or tandem) jumpers. there are so many dropzones that are bigger where you never talkwith the students/tandems. If the experienced jumpers talk to them and engage them in conversation, that's what gets them coming back and bringing their friends.

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Skydivers!! ya gotta love 'em! When I see saber girl walk in she has nothing but a smile and a kind word for everyone.We/I'm gonna miss you for those two weeks your not going to be around. After packing a bunch of rigs and you stand up to take a breather,two or three come right back in.My motivation comes from KNOWING someday I'm going to be one of those people coming in smiling after a jump with my friends.By the way saber girl.....I owe another case!!. I'll be sure to wait until you come back to share it with ya! I'll bring a bottle of merlot and a pack of kraft slices too!. On another note, to the person who took a pic of the boricua,the vehicle we were using untill our bus got fixed,that was funny.Were glad you got the good side! If you want to come down and jump again I would love to have a beer with you and discuss how we can make our secondary vehicle better and more comfortable for you and other jumpers. Skydivers Rock!! Only some have bad taste in vehicles! (haha)Blue sky's folks and stay safe!
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I wish it was only 2 weeks - It's going to be more like 2 months between the glasses and the Lasik. That means November. I'm going to go through skydiving withdrawal. I may have to come down in the evenings just to hang out and take in the smell of jet fuel to get my fix... That's the longest I will have gone without skydiving in over 5 years! I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it. Don't forget me : (

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