
Hurricane Ivan and Z-Hills

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Hello to everyone from Skydive City - Zephyrhills

We are again hunkering down for the next Hurricane Ivan. So far, Charley was a miss completely.

Hurricane Frances was much more serious, slow moving and lots of rain and wind. We saw 60-80 MPH winds for pretty much 48 hours straight. Lots of rain and flooding around Zephyrhills, but overall, the dropzone did fine, with very minor trailer damage and lots of rain.

The Twin Otter went to NY to be safe and is now saying there for Ivan, so we will not be flying at all until Thursday, the 16th at the earliest. So do not plan to jump this weekend, at least not here.

Some folks are leaving, but for those that have trailers here - PLEASE - take care of your own stuff. Evacuate if you have to; take whatever is valuable with you. We already saw thieves and looters roaming the dropzone during the last storm. Thanks to the Skydive City 'militia' for keeping the place safe.

Anyway, that is what is going on - it will be interested (and probably tragic) to see what happens in Jamaica today.

All the best and stay in touch

TK Hayes
Skydive City

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