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ok no prob. Just let me know theres meant to be tandems. Lets shoot for the sunset..lol i still have your last video on the hard drive. Perhaps combine the 2 or 3 into a dvd
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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Wow - someone has some ISSUES!!!! Possibly a short in the system...wonder how that could have HAPPENED!!!!??????:o:o:D:D

Oh I get it!
Yeah, if I think back to it hard enough I can still feel my hair and my toenails. That would be great drug if it weren't for those pesky side effects like ....Death.
You should have left me hooked up another 5 seconds maybe I wouldn't need a flashlight when I go out in the dark to take a leak.

Hey Spence, how about we hook it up and let some dumbass try to go after my title. I finally downloaded the "Electric Slide" so we'll have the right music!
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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Great. Something is screwy with my tape that I had you put the last one on. I have a tape with some other jumps on it you can put them on.

I have problems with a couple of my videos also. Does yours suddenly skip from your jump to a 9-way lesbian hot tub scene too?
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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Great. Something is screwy with my tape that I had you put the last one on. I have a tape with some other jumps on it you can put them on.

I have problems with a couple of my videos also. Does yours suddenly skip from your jump to a 9-way lesbian hot tub scene too?

I don't know. I didn't watch long enough to see exactly what it was, but it looked like someone about to do something completely wrong with a pool stick. You Dirty Brit - just what did you put on my tape!
Killing threads since 2004.

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you have me. what the hell you on about. I don't think your on the video too much jay it was hard keeping up with you while you were backsliding..hehe
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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Ok now the mountain boogie is over, which was a total blast. Lets get the roll call for the mofo boogie up at the farm. It should be simular temperature like this week-end up in the mountains. So bring gloves all you pansy ass bastards. Robbie knob i believe is doing the Djing. At sunset lets pin greg down and tie him up. He snuck into the boogie and got on the mike. How the hell did this happend spence?
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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Not only will we make the hills of GA tremble under the awesome power of DJ ELECTRIC BOY the way we did with the mountains, but my Consigliere Brian and I are working on something REALLY F***ING COOL to go along with the music.
I'm talking some "HOLY SH*T IS THAT LEGAL?!" VISUALS to enhance your all around sensory experience (especially if your senses are already enhanced:S).
Shhhh, it's Top Secret right now. mmore later.

Edited to add: Greg, have the checkbook ready.
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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Holy Sh*t! I almost forgot!
This coming weekend marks the British Bulldog's
10th Anniversary in the Sport of Skydiving.
Quite an accomplishment for a Madonna-loving,
Mama's boy who's deathly afraid of naked girls.

The Official Presentation will take place at The Farm
on Saturday. Be there or miss an other opportunity
to see a grown Ogre cry.:(

(And don't forget to stop by the bakery on the way.;))
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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Holy Sh*t! I almost forgot!
This coming weekend marks the British Bulldog's
10th Anniversary in the Sport of Skydiving.

Well, since I'll be playing whuffo at a wedding in Louisiana this weekend, and especially since the Shrek's better half Goofyjumper will still be in Tampa, we're just going to have to celebrate the anniverary again next weekend in Thomaston!

And hell, why not celebrate it again at the Super Mo Fo Boogie!!!
Killing threads since 2004.

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Yes the Thomaston halloween boogie will rock. I know at least 12 from tallahassee will be there..But ok back to the best boogie this year. you should be at the Farm this week-end J instead of flyingJ were going to call you whuffoJ. Man, can you believe i've been jumping 10 years. Maybe i should invest in a lifetime membership and get my picture in parachutist. Then i could be a true narcissus..lol Ok well your forgiven but hope to see all my mates there at the farm this week-end
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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stay off drugs dude..lol she's in Tampa this week and next she won't be there for my 10 year celebration thats all. So book your flight home boy. She will be at the MOFO boogie. Fly either to Tallahassee or Atlanta thursday 18th i believe.. We'll hit it hard
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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...since the Shrek's better half Goofyjumper will still be in Tampa.

You didn't tell me Brandy wasn't going to be there...now we can really party!;)

Just kidding...

Yes this is not fair, I see how it is.....Tony! I can't even jump down here because hippy boy will using my rig again, hopefully not to cut it away.........I have to act like a wuffo this weekend...........[:/]
I love and Miss you so much Honey!
Orfun #3 ~ Darla

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Lee looks like you got t talked into coming to this boogie from Cali. or is it AZ I dont know .
Tony post your dates and times and see who can help us out.
I may be able to pick U up what was the date and Time??


Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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if so my roomate dan can give you a ride he works for delta and gets off about then. he can bring you to the house then i will give you a ride to the farm.

i will have to make sure it is ok with him first but i dont see why it wouldnt be.. you will have to find another ride back to the airport though... then again i might be able to take you but dont count on it.

wait a min... this is friday... well you might have to hang out at the house for a day.. when i get off work i can take you up.... or we can go out drinkin..lol

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Ok i am officially there as of friday around.... well we will figure that out a bit later this week. oh yea i will drag nic by his feet so he will be there to...

whatever lol...we will get a jump in fri if i have to tell my boss "take this job and shove it" or maybe some of you farm guys could kidnap me oh around noonish...hey would somebody call work around fri morning and i dunno start cryin and be like nics grandma died and i gotta be the bearer of bad news...its cool cuz she's already gone (miss ya ma-ma) so there wont be any bad karma floating around...that way we could actually get some jumps in fri....please somebody help a newbie out!!!

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how about i call tell them robbie is your gay lover and he got his test results back from the clinic. You need to come home and talk...whats your work number again
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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