
Tandem Chop

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Had a bad main and a nice reserve on a Tandem last weekend. Just thought I would share...

Normal tandem jump from 10.5K, no problems student was good. Released drogue at about 5K and opening felt normal. Looked up and slider was 2/3's the way up and a little more than 1/3 of the right canopy was folded under. Thought "I can get that open:)
Student was extremely aware and just before I initiated the chop he asked me "why all the heavy breathing back there?" making me chuckle. After we had a reserve and before I could talk to him about the chop he asked if the reason we went to the reserve was that the right side of the canopy was all fucked up. Again I had to smile and say "well in a nutshell that it!" His words matched my thoughts but probably not how I would have described it to him, but since he said it....

The reserve worked great. Passenger had two canopy rides for his birthday and we got the main back after searching for awhile. The draw back of having a NW DZ located with lots of trees around. Only loss was the freebag but kinda know where it should be so may find it still.

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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Good work. Did manifest charge the student for two freefalls?

Anything revealed by the main? Any cause for the slider hang-up, specifically? The slider tension was probably the cause of the partial inflation, but I'd be looking for grommet nicks, or packing errors...

- Cajones

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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Naw, the second ride was a B-day bonus;)

When I got the main back I could not tell which tangled mess was there previously and which ones were there from tumbling after the chop. Slider was still way up on the lines but still never can tell when it nots completely obvious...

I did not pack this main and I know the opening sequence was good until inflation. We think it was in the packing. Who knows it also could have just been time for a tandem reserve ride for me.

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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Just curious, what kind of main and reserve, and what system? Been noticing that the slider is tending to hang up just below the cascades on our Icarus mains lately, wondering if it's common elsewhere...
Nice job with the student, too...on my only TDM chop so far, the student got "oh" out before the chop, a really long "SHIIITTT" during the reserve opening...
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