
Holiday Party Boogie @ The Farm - DEC 11&12

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Oh and by the way, my name is Brandon, not Brando, which apparently everyone is too lazy to add the N, cause well i under 6 letters is ok to type but 7 is just unrealistic

Do I hear a new "brother" in the house???

Who is BRANDO Rodriguez???


Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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Potluck w/ side dishes (chips, dip, bread, potato salad, etc. and desserts (the farm is providing the main course, right?????) Yes that is right. 6 Turkey's in the deep fryer:)

Hey - how about planning on some VEGGIE friendly dishes for us veggies??

Damn carnivores...always thinking of yourselves!!;)

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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Want to get that one on video if blaine doent mind me taking his slot :P:P:P

Well - it seems I have no choice in the matter now!! That's cool - you take this slot...and I'll get paid for the slot you're giving up!!! I'll be a shit-hot, funny talking videographer before you know it...just like SHREK!!;):P

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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Blaine is sitting on the sidelines picking on a little cute dog dressed as a reindeer w/ painted toe nails (he's jealous b/c he want's his toenails painted too)

Dang girl...you know me TOO well!!

Actually - I'm jealous on behalf of Kaha...she wishes I would dote on her like Nichole does to Taffy!!

And, I don't think Taffy's losing weight because of Nichole's exercise plan...it might have something to do with the DIET PILLS the vet put her on!!! Dietary supplements - my ass!!! bwahahahahah!!!:D

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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Potluck w/ side dishes (chips, dip, bread, potato salad, etc. and desserts (the farm is providing the main course, right?????) Yes that is right. 6 Turkey's in the deep fryer:)

Hey - how about planning on some VEGGIE friendly dishes for us veggies??

Damn carnivores...always thinking of yourselves!!;)

Tha's what the 'side dishes' are for. We all know vegetarians don't eat a 'main course' anyway;). Bring all the yummy veggie friendly items you would like to enjoy!! I think I'll bring blanched asparagus drizzled w/ a balsamic vinegrette!!
I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!

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Oh and by the way, my name is Brandon, not Brando, which apparently everyone is too lazy to add the N, cause well i under 6 letters is ok to type but 7 is just unrealistic

Do I hear a new "brother" in the house???

Who is BRANDO Rodriguez???


FUCK BRANDO RODRIGUEZ!!!:ph34r::ph34r:
I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!

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ok blaine ph conversations are NOT supposed to transferred over the forum...adn the diet pills, well uh, ummmm, well shit yes my dog is on diet pills...she's just a little plump - that's all.:$

i'm a bad mom.:(

If there is one thing you should know about Blaine....sometimes he doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut:o. We still love him, but I carry a sock around w/ me for that very purpose!!!!!
I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!

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nice tag whitley. hey you should get those rigs for a repack today. I sent them your way last night.. Also, thats why your so white Blane its lack of meat. I just thought it was lack of sun.. Like a british fat bastard can talk. :)
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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No he will probably have to go to crawfordville where you cant drink except for one monday per month. If found drinking they shoot ya. can you believe they couldn't serve alcahol in a restaurant on a sunday...BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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see i knew you couldn't stay away you secret lurker You may be somewhere else but i know where your heart is..hehe . No you should of seen all of us last week we were so pissed at the restaurant. Can you believe that shit. In the end we had to go back to schimmels and drink and we ran out. Now can you see why i moved to Tallahassee. I blame it on Hans, he should of had beer at the DZ. Cheap Bastard!!!
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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You're right I cant stay away.. have to throw a smartasscrack in there every now and then.

Remember at the mountain boogie when we went to the mexican restaurant and they were out of margaritas?? That was WEIRD! So I feel your pain..

Oh ya you weren't there yet... but I'm somebody remembers!

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blaine..............................she is NOT fat; she's merely quite healthy!!!

she likes to dress up! i know, she'll sit really stilll andlet me paint her toenails as well; i think we'll change the pink that's on her paws now to red for Christmas...and yes i liked the bunny costume.......actually come to think of it, i still do, probably a little more now!!!:$

I also have a philosophical.......nay, I dare even call it a spiritual problem with people who dress up their animals. Yes, they always justify it by claiming that the animal enjoys it, offering as evidence the fact that the animal doesn't scream, run, or commit ritual suicide to avoid such indignities. But they overlook the obvious:
If you fed me twice a day, stroked me on a regular basis, and allowed me to spend the remainder of my time guiltlessly licking myself in public I might let you dress me up in a stupid outfit once in a while too.
Doesn't make it right.

As for whether or not she can fly....she will fly
.....Oh yes, she will fly.
As long as she can fit under my cheststrap:)
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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Robby, does Brandon have a nick name yet? Ooo, ooo, ooo...How about BRANDO? :ph34r::ph34r:

Let's see ....should the Supreme Giver of Nicknames (Me) bestow the name of the greatest American actor of all time; the man who breathed life into such quintessential cinema characters as Terry Malloy (On The Waterfront), Col. Kurtz (Apocalypse Now), and -need I even mention- Don Vito Corleone (The Godfather) onto the guy who blew off a boogie to drink Natty Light out of a Coke can in Doak (no beer allowed) Campbell Stadium and watch Chris Rix and the Noles get brutally ass raped (AGAIN) ?

The magic Nick Name 8-Ball says.................
In order to even earn a custom nickname from me Brandon has to do something memorable like ....well.....showing up. And taking a moderately hard opening without bitching like a bleeding JV Cheerleader who just ran out of Midol.
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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There you have it folks. Beligerent Robbie at it again. Can you believe it. He shows up at my house just so he can post( he has no computer cheap bastard) Then, eats all the food in the cupboard. The other day he wanted to bring his laundry over. What have you got yourself in for Marianne. You will need 8 jobs to support his ass. You should get a job at Mcdonalds, it pays the same as the radio and you get free food! Needless to say i'm sure robbie will be there friday at 12.01 am. He wouldn't want to miss that FREE jump.
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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There you have it folks. Beligerent Robbie at it again. Can you believe it. He shows up at my house just so he can post( he has no computer cheap bastard) Then, eats all the food in the cupboard. The other day he wanted to bring his laundry over. What have you got yourself in for Marianne. You will need 8 jobs to support his ass. You should get a job at Mcdonalds, it pays the same as the radio and you get free food! Needless to say i'm sure robbie will be there friday at 12.01 am. He wouldn't want to miss that FREE jump.

robbie dont feel bad...i do the same thing to pruitt..i eat all his pop tarts and his mom makes a killer batch of southern nectar aka SWEET TEA biznatches..you floridians dont know a damn thing about that--or at least the ppl in orlando sure as hell dont.. Good to see everyone post whorin it up--all this talk of food is makin me freakin hungry--time for some more pop-tarts. Lee i'd love to be able to take you up on the jumps but i gotta work fri..its the thought that counts though--if it werent for you i'd be getting my shit packed at anal skydiving..God i love this Farm

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