
Holiday Party Boogie @ The Farm - DEC 11&12

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waaah waaah i keep telling you quit your job!! You missed out on a free jump there. I had a spot for ya. Even Brandy gave up her jump for a less fortunate(mooch) AKA splash. I may goto deland tomorrow knock out a few then head up there to the Farm.. So Brandi your picking up Osama?
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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take a good look at the bastard. no wonder he won't fly.. All he's missing is a turban and a knife.hehe So i take it i'm picking you up Ian. Will you be able to make it up there?
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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All he's missing is a turban and a knife

Ohmygod Lee, you are the most un-PC bastard (besides a few South Africans I've run into) I've ever met. That made me laugh so hard.


The best lack all conviction,
While the worst are filled with passionate intensity.

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So sage do you need a ride tomorrow.I know your bringing up a load of tandems. I'm picking up OSAMA up in 75 I think whitley will be riding so give me a call if you need picking up. Or send me a pm. Is Heather along this time? Osama give me a call also, i lost your number so if your lurking and reading this call me.
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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Robbie - I downloaded only the ash jump into Brit's hard drive - so you'll have to get that off him.

I'll try to grab some stills of other shots I got from the video I took and I'll get those to you asap. What's the timeline on going to print - I don't have a computer that is friendly to my camera - so I'll have to wait until I see Bob again to use his.

OK, so I just finally started on the magazine article, and it's about 1/2 done. Itll be done by tomorrow because Im too damned good to bother with proofreading.

Whataya want from me? Moving is a big, fat, hairy, Rosie O'Donnell-at-an-all-u-can-eat-pizza-buffet-sized bitch and it never gets any easier no matter how much crap I throw away. But I'm finally the F*** out of Tallahassee and I've never felt better. (No offense to those of you I left behind in that Hell hole.)

(Well, O.K. offense to some of you but you know who you are.) :P

Anyway, if you've got any pictures and youre too dumb or lazy to put them in a gallery here or on the Farm site you can send them to me at robbyrobb@hotmail.com. Ive got 250 megs to spare so be gentle. Warn me if youre sending something huge. Of course I dont know who the hell to submit this stuff to yet, but I'll find out soon enough.

Meantime, while some of you are busy attaching snow skis to the Porter, I'll be unpacking boxes.
...................................................F*ckin' FOREVER!

P.S. Some of you have been worrried so just so you know, I've also FINALLY recovered from the pond-induced SHRINKAGE.
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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You kids have fun. And somebody see if my skydiving monkey is still stuck in the tree over the porta pottys. :ph34r:I've got a 12 pack of your choice for whomever rescues him and secures his safe return.
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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You kids have fun. And somebody see if my skydiving monkey is still stuck in the tree over the porta pottys. :ph34r:I've got a 12 pack of your choice for whomever rescues him and secures his safe return.

ohh ohh where?

im thinking swoop comp!:P

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well you missed an awesome tree landing robbie. Some girl who is friends with ann marie went in the trees. video is awesome. got 13 loads yesterday i only made 10 jumps this week-end. by noon today the snow and wind hit us..Anyway, i'll see you all new year
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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Some girl who is friends with ann marie

that some girl! is here right now signing up a dz.com account just to reply to you "some girl" post!..lol

ohh ya. mkore too come!:D

ann marie just signed up an account also... it is anniemea. or sompthin like that... she is attacking me i got to go

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Well tell that nice girl that if she wants the video i will send it her. Only because its xmas..Stayed at Jays house last night. Can you believe he has a star trek xmas tree...lol Thanks mate, needed that nights rest. You know your staying at our place for the house warming party.
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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Ann Marie's screen name better be Ellie Mae. Thats the official moniker she was given by the Holy Oracle of Nicknames (aka Me).

As for the house warming party. I still havent seen a date for it. Dont even try to non-invite me you smelly immigrant! I know where you live! (And where your gonna live!)
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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Sorry robbie, your not invited. Its a 120 jump minimum. So either you show up at the DZ at teh week-end and jump or well, sorry. hehe The party will be in January. Don't forget the last week-end of january we will be at Emerald coast. gregs flying the porter and caravan down and picking us all up. So you may want to get on the plane at The farm. 28th i do believe. And Hans, send me a pic of all of us on mikes ash dive. Wouldn't mind that pic in the skydiving room at the new house!
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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Wow!! Her First post and already a Personal Attack.;)

I told you guys she was a Hand full.

Oh and Little Ms Annie Mae..... Being that was your First Post and All...... BEEEEEEERR!!!

BTW, Hows your ass?
And How is your little Monkey Friend`s uhhh well ah private parts after the Tree Incident?

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Being that was your First Post and All...... BEEEEEEERR!!!

actually that was me who typed it... hehehehe..


BTW, Hows your ass?

ohh its FINE! im looking at it right now! ...lol....


And How is your little Monkey Friend`s uhhh well ah private parts after the Tree Incident?

ohh there working fine! trust me!;) hehehehe

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suuure skumil we've seen you in action!!!!! beg beg beg kneel kneel beg beg beg..... rejection! So, who's coming down from the farm for the florabama boogie. Remember we need at least 8 seats on either plane. perfect you can stop in Tallahassee and fuel up. Aren't we all considerate. hey how about flying down Thursday and we'll have our house warming party Thursday night!!;);););) You know your invited Greg. Well, i know i am looking forward to it...LANCE, WHERE'S MY MONEY YOU HICK???????:(:(:(:(
don't sweat the small stuff, in fact don't sweat at all,, you get smelly!!


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Don't forget the last week-end of january we will be at Emerald coast.

NOOOOOO!!! I was really looking forward to this happening and driving out from Panama City, but I'll be in Orlando that weekend, and the next weekend start a string of weekend traveling that goes through mid-March. DOH!

Shrek - give me a call and let me know about your party. I make the final move down to your part of town next week and will be without internet access for a while.
Killing threads since 2004.

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