
Naughty Cupid Boogie - Skydive Sebastian

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My god, you're like a cult!! LOL!!

I don't understand what you mean, Angela, my friend.

A few of us from the west decided to go to Vegas for a fun weekend. We are also going to Skydive Mesquite for a day. We figured that we may as well do fun jumps, such as PM initiations.

Personally, I have not had the pleasure of initiating too many ladies since I broke my ankle shortly after becoming a delegate, yet I get so many enthusistic PMs and e-mails sent to me from ladies who want me to initiate them. What's so wrong about us using the Mesquite trip as a time to help out the ladies that want to become a part of the Pink Mafia?

Anyway, Angela, it's all about camaraderie and mutual love of the sky. Nobody is forcing you to be a part of this group, girlie. It's not like we're the Stepford Wives! :ph34r: :P Furthermore, I'm your friend because I like YOU, not because you are or are not a member of the Pink Mafia. The same goes for all the other friends that I have. Many of them just happen to be PM sisters.

I thought I was funny:S Guess i'll stay outta this thread now.


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I thought I was funny:S Guess i'll stay outta this thread now.

Angela, the goal of my reply was to make you feel MORE included here, not less. ;) (Maybe I should have placed more :)
I think that the "cult" comment was a little strange for me to see being joked about online because you and I have had that PM discussion before. Yet, I didn't take it personally, of course! I just wanted to express my point of view as a delegate, which was how I responded.

I know that everyone has different opinions, and I love and respect that we are all different. I especially love that you speak up for youself and for your beliefs, Angela, but rest assured, girlie, I am on your side. You are my friend, and I admire you. :)
(Let's forget about this misunderstanding!)

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Glad we worked this out, Rosa. I am sorry if I offended you, like I said, I thought it was kinda funny (guess I needed a smiley, too, things come off different sometimes in type.) Anyhow, I have nothing against the Pink Mafia, AFAIK from speaking with Alli, they may be well on their way to helping goal oriented women in the sport succeed. I think that's great.

Like I said, it was just a joke. Anyhow, hun, hope to see you soon:)
Nice pix, Alli!~! (We left the party before midnight, looks like it never really ended :P) Glad you had a fun b-day!


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okay my beautiful little bunny-cakes! i apologize for the delay of replying to this thread, but work has been cooh-cooh-for-co-co-puffs :S*

freeflynNicki ~ i will also be making some Wings :^) i can't wait, because i LOVE wearing costumes! it's going to be so nice to see you again Nicki!!!

annie & ro ~ gosh i LOVE you freaking Awesome Sugar-Babies so Much! we are all going to have lots of fun playing in the beautiful florida-sky together*

jakey ~ if you can attend after your surgery, you know we would provide all the comfort we can come up with 'k'. you are our fly-boy and we would oh-so-appreciate your company!

sammie, brian & alli (and all the other sweetie-pies that were in sebastian) ~ those photos kick-booty! i can't wait til we take more, so that we can Fabi-lize the website!! yaaaaay!

andrea ~ thank you so much for being so wonderful! i miss you and i can't wait for us to go smile together in the sky -- you are so much fun to jump with!

wendy ~ as always, you Rock our Worlds with your Organized-Twirl!!!!!! i want to be like YOU!

dee ~ i shall soon reply to your PM!!

jeanne ~ :^( ... i wish i could see you too! BUT, go and have a WONDERFUL time in Europe! you show that fast who's Boss babe!

shannanay ~ Oh MY JOY! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!

i have one game in mind for The Prizes :^) i'm calling it "Naughty-Pop" -- it involves two-player-teams* i will post the details on the website tomorrow. it will be lots of Fun for EVERYONE - I Promise ;^)

I LOVE YOU ALL, thank you so much for posting to the thread... remember to stay-tuned :^)

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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have one game in mind for The Prizes :^) i'm calling it "Naughty-Pop" -- it involves two-player-teams* i will post the details on the website tomorrow. it will be lots of Fun for EVERYONE - I Promise ;^)

Meli, you are soooo cute. :) (Tuning in tomorrow!)

Wendy ~ Just so you know, I am completely looking forward to seeing you. Your PMs welcoming/inviting me to Sebastian functions are a big reason why I'm going. (Must see Wendy!) It won't be long before Jeannie caves in and gets her plane ticket to Florida! (Either way, Jeannie is awesome for pursuing her goals!!! B|)

Save me a jello shot, Wendy. I'll see ya soon, my dear! :)

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jakey ~ if you can attend after your surgery, you know we would provide all the comfort we can come up with 'k'. you are our fly-boy and we would oh-so-appreciate your company!

i know the real reason Mel.......you just want me to take pics:P Thats ok i dont mind.....what better way to get a bunch of beautiful women to pose for you......point a camera at them :D:D
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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The Pink Mafia isn't a cult.
Here, have some Koolaid... :P

It's like The Sopranos with hot chicks and pillow fights instead of gunplay. ;)
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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Oh Sam....missing you, too! We've posted the rest on the website HERE And while there, check out the pics from Halloween in Atlanta. (Please thank our wonderful webmaster, Mr. Peter Draper, for his awesome work!!)
P.M.S. #3

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

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(Please thank our wonderful webmaster, Mr. Peter Draper, for his awesome work!!)

[cough] photographer who took most of the pics [/cough]

DAMN those pictures really look good.......ok...the women have alot to do with that

OH, and i havent seen B stick her nose in here.....is she comming too??
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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Does anyone no about how long it take to get there from Z-Hills???

I did that drive a few times Tami- take 60 all the way across to 95, take 95 north to the sebastian/fellsmere exit (not far, it's like the next exit up), right off the exit, left on roseland rd, rt into the airport. I think it took me about 2.5 hours from the hills, but it really depends on who you get stuck behind on 60.

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Hmmmmm.............I'm headed into the office tomorrow so I was thinking when I should put in for some leave. Started reading this thread........saw how many cool people will be showing up and thought it worthy. See you guys there! B|

I don't want to see you down here jumping in shorts like those nutty Atlanta guys, tho:P j/k


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Hmmmmm.............I'm headed into the office tomorrow so I was thinking when I should put in for some leave. Started reading this thread........saw how many cool people will be showing up and thought it worthy. See you guys there! B|

THat's it. I can't go now. When I go places with Clay he makes me wake him up while others are talking to him. :ph34r:

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OH, and i havent seen B stick her nose in here.....is she comming too??

Are you talking about me?

If so - no - I'm not coming to this. I will be at the Puerto Rico boogie Feb 9-13. Wish I could do both.

Maybe we can motivate some people to come north to the CSS Easter Boogie in April. Whadda ya think?


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