
Xkeys Freezefest is coming - DAN???

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Just want to say thanks for jumping your buns off at Freeezefest! Notice we special-ordered a winter storm on Sunday just for you.
Kudos to Cassidy, who flew here from Florida, and through a Herculian effort made it back with 20 minutes to spare before muster.
It was great to see Kevin and the other Maryland jumpers, Doug, David M, David P, Lisa, Jennifer, Darren, and Charles.
Brave jumpers from Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia made the trek, too, and showed us up in the Freezefest Olympics! Thanks to Wes, Rob F., Jay, Ralph, Liz, Addie, and Julie.
We always love to see our friends from NY and North Jersey, including Jules, Phil, and Pookie who provided a lot of the entertainment on Saturday night.
We also had visitors from even farther north who were getting away from the cold :^) Jeffrey, Don, and Jason came from Ohio, and I especially enjoyed seeing Dean and Sven from Ontario, Canada!
Thanks also to our regular jumpers from all over PA and NJ. The parking lot was jammed, the airplane was full until sunset, and it felt just like a summer Saturday except we were missing about 50 degrees of heat!
You guys are all HARDCORE! Can't wait to see you all back here for another jump party!
Where the world comes to skydive!

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