caseflyer 0 #1476 July 30, 2006 FasT FocKeRs Won GOLDDDDDD.. WOOOHOOOO It was a great meet hope ya'll had fun this weekend at CSS. We had FREE jumps on Sunday from a Casa. We only got one in but hey, it was free and we had fun funneling an eight way out the door. SEe ya'll soon. Casey--------------TaiL FocKeR OuT----------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OuterFocker1 0 #1477 July 31, 2006 And now some thank you's . . . An extra special thank you goes out to Dawn, who met us at Guido's house on Saturday, AND, of course, Guido for letting us stay the weekend! We wish we could have hung out. BTW, in the future remind LJ not to blow right by the security gates. Thanks to LJ (a.k.a. The Replacement Focker) for coming out to jump with us on Friday! Thanks to our awesome Focker from Behind for shooting amazing footage of the meet. Also, I want to congratulate Melissa 2 for joining a completely new team this weekend and changing slots on the spot (sometimes each round : ). She did awesome. Hope everyone has a fockin' awesome week!~ Melissa ~ "Life is too short to walk the same cautious path as everyone else." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hajnalka 0 #1478 July 31, 2006 Congratulations, Fokkers!! I'm very proud. And way to go Melissa 2! Yev, sorry for the whole Catherine the Great controversy. She's kind of my heroine, but she DID have some pretty depraved appetites. Quote in the future remind LJ not to blow right by the security gates. Oooooh, was there a high-speed chase on the streets of Seven Lakes? That would've rocked! Jack is up in a wheelchair with his clamshell brace on today. Tomorrow he'll transfer to the rehab hospital, which is part of the WakeMed campus as well. -D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OuterFocker1 0 #1479 July 31, 2006 Oooooh, was there a high-speed chase on the streets of Seven Lakes? That would've rocked! Well, almost . . . but the Fockers came to his rescue. LJ blew by before the old security guard even could get up out of his chair. He comes out shaking his head and looking in LJ's direction . . . it was priceless. ~ Melissa ~ "Life is too short to walk the same cautious path as everyone else." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guido 0 #1480 July 31, 2006 OH GREAT!! Speeding, reckless driving, now you will be banned forever, your picture will be on the wall... kids today!! Apparently couldn't read my scribbled instructions for the TV/DVD either. Geesh!! And you guys have degrees and make bazillions of dollars!! I just saw the pict Melissa sent, now I know where all my cami pants went!! It's all good, glad I could help! Congrats on the victory as well! Ciao, G Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
caseflyer 0 #1481 July 31, 2006 Yes thank you so much Guido for letting us crash twice at you place. And LJ for the help and hanging out as always. Thanks to Dawn for letting us in and hanging out on Friday. Besides the high speed chase there was also the leaping and dodging of closing the garage door and racing it but remembering you had a laser running across the bottom. hmmmmm Casey--------------TaiL FocKeR OuT----------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bolas 5 #1482 July 31, 2006 You just have to duck and jump the laser. Kids these days. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OuterFocker1 0 #1483 August 1, 2006 The laser can trip you up, but usually it will only take two trys. My parents had one of those lasers and it was thigh height, so some Mission Impossible skills had to come into play. Thanks again Guido. Yeah we never saw the remote directions, but I don't think we messed anything up . . . although . . . We just kind of pressed stuff until it worked.~ Melissa ~ "Life is too short to walk the same cautious path as everyone else." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guido 0 #1484 August 2, 2006 Too funny about the laser! And nope, nothing broken, I could just tell you had "issues" with the TV/DVD. Ciao, Guido Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hajnalka 0 #1485 August 2, 2006 Melissa et al. - Yes, Jack changed rooms again, sorry for my delayed response. He's in the rehab hosp, which is the 2-story wing that's right across from visitor parking - to the right of the main visitor's entrance. He's in room 2D22 (second floor D wing, room 22.) It's a huge relief that now he's with docs, nurses and physical therapists who deal with spinal cord injuries every day, and know just what a T12 burst fracture is all about. The staff is wonderful. In fact, everyone is happy + amazed at Jack's level of movement, and what he can do for himself, given his injury and surgery. They are very positive about his recovery. Jack definitely has his work cut out for him and his days aren't exactly fun, but he has a great attitude. He has therapy sessions every day until about 3 pm. He can have visitors anytime, but it's best to go after his sessions are done. I'd really like to encourage everyone/anyone who cares about Jack to visit him this week. He's been through a lot and it would mean a lot to him to see some of you guys. I know our lives are all really busy, but just a quick 5-10 min. stop to say "hi" on your way to or from the DZ, etc. would ROCK - thank you! As ever, call or PM if you want more specific news. Best, D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OuterFocker1 0 #1486 August 2, 2006 Thanks for the update Dawn. We've been thinking about Jack all the time and are really happy to hear about his progress so far. Keith and I are going to visit him tomorrow afternoon after his sessions. Do you know if he needs anything or wants anything special to eat? Let us know. Hope you have a wonderful day! : ) me~ Melissa ~ "Life is too short to walk the same cautious path as everyone else." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OuterFocker1 0 #1487 August 2, 2006 "Too funny about the laser! And nope, nothing broken, I could just tell you had "issues" with the TV/DVD. " Yeah if anything was broken we were going to blame Eric.~ Melissa ~ "Life is too short to walk the same cautious path as everyone else." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
caseflyer 0 #1488 August 3, 2006 You have to watch out for the FocKeR from Behind--------------TaiL FocKeR OuT----------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foxyroxtail 0 #1489 August 3, 2006 If anyone is in Raleigh to see Jack on Sunday afternoon, (or any other reason) feel free to come see Randy & I - we'll be having a little 50th BIRTHDAY PARTY starting at 4 pm August 6. And you'd better not think it's for me... PM for info or directions. Pammy ________________________________________ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bolas 5 #1490 August 3, 2006 Happy 50th Randy. Yeah, we know you're robbing the cradle. I thought you were going to Joisey, did ya come to your senses? Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OuterFocker1 0 #1491 August 4, 2006 Happy fockin' 50th birthday Randy! We'll be out of town this weekend so probably won't be able to make it. We hope you have a great party! love, The Fockers~ Melissa ~ "Life is too short to walk the same cautious path as everyone else." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
valcore 0 #1492 August 9, 2006 Hey, Its about that time again. This will be the 2nd Annual September 11th memorial jump. This year I would love to have fire, police and emergency departments involved as well as military. I you know anyone who fits the criteria and is an active jumper please invite them out on the 9th of september (saturday). I posted under the events so hopefully this year we will be able to get a good group together. Guido if you know any Daggers or Knights that can make it please invite them. I am kind of hoping that we can do a little cookout that night. Show any guests we might have a little CSS hospitality. Eric do you think you would be willing to shoot a little video for us. I would really like to have a larger group then last year so please make sure you spread the word. Darin The most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the government and I'm here to help’. ~Ronald Reagan 30,000,000 legal firearm owners killed no one yesterday. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hajnalka 0 #1493 August 9, 2006 Darin - Let me know what you want/need for release bags. They are pretty labor intensive . So the sooner I know, the better - thanks. Jack walked over 20 feet with a walker yesterday. --- yeah!! His recovery has been amazing - he is so strong, and is very determined to walk out of that hospital on his own two legs. K&M - we were talking yesterday about how great you are. You 2 rock. Best, D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guido 0 #1494 August 9, 2006 Hey Darin, Bummer, the only weekend me and boys will be out of town, roughing it on the beach in Oceana, VA. We should be back on Mon the 11th, but I doubt that would work for everyone else. If anyone is near Asheboro, NC this Fri we have a demo there around 1830. I wish you luck, and good for you for organizing this again! Sine Pari! Guido ~How do you know where the line is if you never crossed it?~ unk. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
valcore 0 #1495 August 10, 2006 Dawn I you can do something similar to last year that would be awesome. Either White and Blue or Red and Blue would be great. I am hoping this year we can do a 9 - 11 and have the - guy holding the release bag. I guess that all depends on how many people are there. The most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the government and I'm here to help’. ~Ronald Reagan 30,000,000 legal firearm owners killed no one yesterday. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OuterFocker1 0 #1496 August 10, 2006 I thought the military jumps last year with the edited video from Floaty Mike were impressive. Everytime I watch the video I get teary eyed. Just a thought, does anyone want to send it into some venue like the local or national news? I would love to be a part of this year's 9/11 jumps. Maybe some of us non-military folks could create 911 in the air in red, white, and blue. Let me know if you're interested. Also, if we're having a cookout the 9th, count Keith and I in. I'm so excited and awed by Jack's recovery so far. I was thrilled to read that he's been walking. He has such a strong will and spirit. Thanks for the update Dawn!~ Melissa ~ "Life is too short to walk the same cautious path as everyone else." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FROGGIN 0 #1497 August 11, 2006 We would like to send a card and a few other things to Jack, but we need an address? Do we know where Jack will be once out of rehab? Let us know if you have this information. He was great to us and we want to return the same to him. Thanks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcashatt01 0 #1498 August 11, 2006 Guido, where is the demo? I live in asheboro, so maybe i can get some friends together to come watch and hopefully it will encourage them to make there first leap. Anyway, I think I've only spoken to you once or twice but if you need anything while in Asheboro give me a call 3362673109 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guido 0 #1499 August 11, 2006 McCrary Park, there is a baseball league tourny there tonight we are the opening act for the main game. If you were to take 220N, exit Presnell St., turn left onto Presnell, then left onto McCrary St, winds back to the park, can't miss it! Ciao, Guido ~How do you know where the line is if you never crossed it?~ unk. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcashatt01 0 #1500 August 11, 2006 great, I live like 5 blocks from there. I will be able to see you guys from my house. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites