
CSS anyone 2??

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If you were still at 199, it might, but let us know when you hit 99.

HA! Good one, Pammy!

Don't feel bad, Mike ... just remember how SEXY you look in your new Freak'n suit. Maybe go try it on again in front of a full-length mirror and "get yo freak on."

Floaty Mike (hey, can we even still call you that?) - I'll be there Fri. night either way. With Lyman you just never know. If you decide on fondue, let me know what I can bring.


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Ok, so far, we've got

Me & Sarah

Dawn #1 has suggested we postpone it again due to the weather. Any votes for or against that?


Eric will be there too. Have you talked to Ross? I think he said he wanted to come, but maybe he said he didn't. I forgot.

Whatever you guys want to do about the weather is fine with me. It would be nice to do fondue after a day of jumping- I think we might have a better turnout. But I also don't want to postpone until October. :P

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Who a hell are you????????? I never see you around the DZ anyway........ hehehehehe:D

Ellis -you talking to me? Don't get me started! I'll deal with you in person.... Missed you at the fire last weekend. You should have seen it....Randy got the award with his "daredevil jump"

200-300-400-etc. sounded fun to start with! Oh Well...
Hey CaptainBB you should come up with some kind of algorithm using the jump frequncy, etc. to predict when we can all have another even hundred # jump.

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Yes, yes.... I'm a skywhore, so my next jump will be 400 ;)

Marion, It looks like the team practice is cemented down for sunday, so I've got you covered on saturday:)

I'll see you all at Fondue Friday!

Floaty, we should try to organize a little fundraiser to throw into the pot for the NRGB landing area purchase.
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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I've got you covered on saturday


Saturday. Brisk and chilly. Cloudy with a 30 percent chance of showers. Highs around 60. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts to 30 mph.

Dawn- Saturday looks like another good catalog shopping day. ;) Or maybe we could put on our tie dye team shirts. Are there max winds allowed for creeper bowling? A 30 mph gust at your back could really affect your score. :D

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dawn # 1 your the best, i have been sleeping in my new frekin suite its like the best pair of PJs i have ever owned. i wish i could jump them in them but i think what marion said about october is going to be right. i really have enjoyed comming out to the dz and sitting with everone lol. im sure the weather gods will shine there glory on us someday soon. It may only be for a day but im sure well make the best day we know how.

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Speaking of catalogs ... I should be getting that backordered special "vintage" shipment either tomorrow or Sat ... care for a preview?;)

OOh! Have you heard about the new VS IPEX? I quote: "Two years in development by an international collaboration of designers, engineers & technicians using the latest in digital and laser technology and proprietary manufacturing processes." I CAN'T WAIT - sounds like this will blow GCT right out of the water.

So let's definitely shop. You know I'm always up for bowling as well. Not sure winds would affect our sheltered "lane" ... but what if it rains + freezes and we got ICE on the patio? We could have creeper curling!! Damn, wish I'd thought of that a few months ago ... I haven't had any decent bruises in - well, actually it's only been about 6 weeks (shut up, toy bike boy;))


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I really hate to do this, but I'm going to have to sit out on this Friday's activities. Sarah hurt her back and isn't very mobile right now.

If you guys still want to do the fondue thing this Friday, let me know and I can bring my fondue pot out to the DZ. If you want to just postpone it (again), that is also fine. Sorry for the last minute change.

I won't be out Saturday, either. We've got plans to go look at houses is she is feeling well enough. I should be there Sunday, however.

Dawn- yes, you can still call me floaty. I think I'll always be floaty. I'll probably be the first person to successfully land a freefly suit with the way I fall.

Eric- Good idea. Do you think Nancy would be opposed to us putting up a flyer about it somewhere around the DZ, or discreetly asking for donations?


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OOh! Have you heard about the new VS IPEX? I quote: "Two years in development by an international collaboration of designers, engineers & technicians using the latest in digital and laser technology and proprietary manufacturing processes." I CAN'T WAIT - sounds like this will blow GCT right out of the water.

Sounds like NASA was working on this one. If VS could only develope a antigravitational unit I would buy one ... or two!!!

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I'm a skywhore, so my next jump will be 400

hope i can jump with some of you guys next time i'm there. really hope i get the rust and dust off before then so i can fly worth a shit. :)
hope to see some posted pics of the special jump / jumps. :)

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Bettina why didn't you jump with us if you don't mind me asking??


PS: BPRR will be performing to defend our title as "Best Party Throwers" in chapel hill and my title as "Best Promoter" in chapel hill Tuesday April 5th at Lucy's. Please please please please come out and drink like mad so we can win 1000 bucks. Tell everyone you know who drinks like a fish because it all depends on which band over the past 2 months has the highest bar sales on a tuesday night. Wish us luck. Also the new CD is a couple weeks away from finished. I have a feeling you all will enjoy it.
The Best Band in the WORLD!!!
The new full length album "See What You Can Find"

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so being farely new to the skydiving equip. stuff, the VS IPEX isn't something from one of the "catalogs" is it? 'Cause (and I also quote) "engineers & technicians using the latest in digital and laser technology and proprietary manufacturing processes." sounds a little...... different to say the least:).

Are there chairs out there for bowling?

yo, joe, I can't wait to hear ya'll


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Bettina why didn't you jump with us if you don't mind me asking??

I only made 3 jumps. 1 warm up jump on Thursday evening with a friend. Eric was on that load. I didn't want to jump with someone new on my warm up jump since I'm not that current. Made 2 jumps Friday (you know the rush for the Casa loads). One with Mel. The next with another friend. It was all kinda rushed. [:/] Not sure if you guys were on the loads I was on or not. I also really thought we'd have jumpable weather on Friday at least.

ANYWAY.... next time I will take the opportunities and not assume "I can do it tomorrow". :)

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I didn't even know you jumped at all. So I was definitely not on those loads. You're right though I should have definitely made better time of the hop n pops but I just kept thinking to myself..."Oh it'll clear up" bummer. The next boogie will be great though I KNOW it.

Look forward to seeing you out here again. Or maybe I'll have to come up to VA to jump sometime. It's something I don't do enough of is jump at other DZs.

Casey...will you be coming to the show on Tuesday?

The Best Band in the WORLD!!!
The new full length album "See What You Can Find"

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