
CSS anyone 2??

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Awesome, I'm glad there will be some fun jumpers out! The weather looks great and there are 17 tandems on the books for Friday. It would be a great opportunity to get some last minute 4-way practice in before the meet *wink wink.
At last it looks like we'll have a jumpable weekend! I can't wait ;)

Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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Thank you, Eric !!!

My Second Mom did a tandem with Lyman today, and they had a beautiful exit, she had a nice arch, they stood up the landing, and everything!

Woo Hoo!
.... but the coolest part was watching you and my baby boy Todd flying together. That doesn't happen every day. That video is absolutely beautiful.

We'll be slamming tomorrow and I'm avail. to pack for both of you if you need me - Janice will be in the store. But I take no responsibility for openings on the teensy slider canopy :P.


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Evidently Lyman WON some kind of informal swoop competition at Raeford today, during the 4-way CSL meet ... actually won a small bit of $$.

Sounds like his main competition was Peter B.

Anyway, I'm glad CSS was representing in a big way!

I guess all of those Lyman beer line swoops are paying off. Please congratulate the man if you think of it ... I know he'd appreciate it.



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Hate that I can't be there today Dawn (Sunday) but give Lyman a Beav Congrats for me...and I'll see ya'll next weekend for the boogey...

...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!

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Wow, what a busy weekend! At last the weather cooperated and we were able to jump for three straight days!
I got the unique pleasure of jumping with Dawn's Mom (Who rocks, I must say) to kick off my weekend. After that, it was the usual tandemonium! The DZ was pretty quiet fun jumper wise as there were three teams at Raeford competing in the 4 way meet (someone who was there, feel free to fill us in on what went on.) Also, word on the DZ is that Lyman kicked ass at the CPC (swoop) meet, putting to shame both the Golden Knights and the Raeford Dragon, earning him his latest nickname, Dragon Slayer :D
In other news, Josh got pied for his 100th jump in an eventful manner... I'm sure you will all hear the story around the bonfire.

Next weekend is Memorial Day, so if the weather cooperates again we can get 4 straight days of continuous jumping in! Matt and Allison Norris are back in town for good and they're having a big party saturday night complete with DJ and alcohol. Lets all offer them a warm welcome back!

I did 29 jumps this weekend, and it's well past my bedtime, so I'll see ya later!

Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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Next weekend should be excellent; will be great to see Matt & Allison again, and welcome them back home.

Even though my Mom was busy over the weekend with Artsplosion, she spent every spare moment on the phone with MRVS (biggest DZ in the Kansas City area) arranging her AFF course. :):P

She's already paid her AFF course in full. Have a feeling she'll be a coach within a year.

We've created a monster, and my Dad is considering disowning me.


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Marion's Birthday was/is Tuesday. If for some reason I didn't have your email or it didn't get passed on:

Thursday May 24 (this week)

Red Robbin 6pm Brier Creek
then 8pm Shrek 3 at Brier Creek
following movie cake and icecream at our house
my email is socrant345@yahoo.com if you have questions or need directions to our house or Brier Creek.
Will be an awesome night with lots of fun and great time to hang out with everyone and celebrate her birthday!!! Yeaaahhh!!!! hope everyone can make it

--------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

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Here's an idea for the tent village/Memorial Day weekend. This is my first ever camping experience, and I need it to be a memorable one. I'll be serving Margaritas from my tent bar. (While supplies last). Anyone else want to sponsor a specialty drink from their tent bar? I'll probably also have some of my good friend Sam Adams. I'm looking forward to a fun Saturday night.

This tent rookie may need some assistance with set up Saturday morning as well. I don't want the thing falling in on my head in the middle of the night!

Can't wait to see everyone!
~Christie Hatch~

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Hey! It'll be great having you in the tent village this weekend! I'm sure there will be a bunch of people around for tent setup assistance. :)
Great minds think alike- we've been tossing around the idea of a tent/trailer crawl, probably as part of the yet-to-be-planned BYOT (Bring your own... tent, trailer, tater tots, tube jumps) boogie. :P I'm looking forward to your margaritas!

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I'm gonna start this off just b/c I got home before everyone else, and it's always fun to beat the cap-e-tan to the punch, though I'll leave the details for him to fill out...he is the professional at this you know!! Anyway. Friday we got 100 loads up, Saturday 1000 loads went up, Sunday D-R-U-N-K loads went up, and Monday Beav-less loads went up...I'm sad.

The weather while I was able to stay from Friday to Sunday was perfect (and actually coulda used a lil more wind for me) for the boogey. I was lucky and blessed enough to have quite a few people join in for my 100th jump, which ended in a nicely executed hybrid (exit foiled by Marionella>:( and saved by Marion:)). This weekend was also to my understanding a welcome home party...welcome back Matt and Allison (haha, I hope I got that right).

Other'n that, Mr. Miller can fill in what I left off, I've got to go finish getting the pie out of my ears. Thanks you guys, I hate I missed the loads today!

...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!

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Thanks for the lead in Beav!

Phew... what an awesome weekend! I can't wait until somebody posts all of the pictures from saturday night! The Welcome Back Matt & Allison / Memorial Day Boogie turned out to be one of the most enjoyable skydiving weekends that CSS has seen in a long time. A bunch of folks came out on friday to make some King Air jumps and enjoy the perfect weather. Beav1 made some chicken for dinner and Marion suggested a Dairy Queen run for dessert (They're open until 11 on Fri-Sat, for future reference.)
Saturday was busy, with about 17ish loads and lots of jumpers who we haven't seen in a while (Kim, Sherry, Doug, Skillen, Nicole, Ashley...) The party Saturday night was totally awesome thanks to some kickass side dishes, shrimp and cake. Big thanks to everyone who brought food! Extra special thanks to Matt and Allison for hiring the DJ, Pete Luter for serving Free Sno-Cones all night, and Kim Walker for sharing his HUGE bottle of Grey Goose! The dancing and bonfire shennagians were of the highest quality... I won't say any names, but I'm sure we'll be telling the stories and sharing the pictures for months to come. :S
The Tent Village reached a record population with roughly a dozen nylon and aluminum sleeping structures which were neatly arranged into a alley like pattern ;) I slept like a baby in my little yellow Marmot!
Sunday and Monday were a bit lower key, but we made some pretty eventful jumps. Greg made his 600th jump extra unstable with his life-size inflatable Chester the Cheetah. Marion redeemed herself by miraculously saving a hybrid exit from certain doom on Beav 2's 100th (& my 1800th) jump. (In case you're new or you've been living under a rock, go to skydivingmovies.com and look up Marion's 500th jump & you'll see what I mean.)
By monday evening (somewhere around load 9) most of the jumpers had packed up and gone home & those remaining were exhausted from a long weekend of partying and jumping in the 90 degree heat.
I'm sure that I'm overlooking some important stories here and probably forgetting to thank quite a few of the people who helped make this weekend happen, so please feel free to fill in the gaps. I'm pretty tired at this point. Enjoy the pictures and rest up for next weekend!

Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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damn that was an awesome weekend! be-u-te-ful jumps all around, my very first cutaway :D, and some hilarious hijincks and jackassery after the sun went down.

aka Wag-Tail, ChangoEnLosPantalones Rodriguez, Sonic Skyjew
"Just remember... don't fuck up."
Shake 'n Bake!

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Yes it was one of the best weekends CSS has seen in a while. I'm not sure what Pete put in the snowcones but we need to order more of that for next time.

By the way my "liquor luge" ice block never came to be...I show up at the walk in freezer with a hand truck & a BIGazz cooler only to find a large pale of cool WATER sitting in a broken freezer. B|>:(

Some of the pictures taken fall into the category "you just hade to be there to see it"
The expressions of the onlookers is what I'll post and next time you'll just have to be there yourself.:)

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The expressions of the onlookers is what I'll post and next time you'll just have to be there yourself.:)

Speedy, you are SUCH a class act of a gentleman :)
Thank you for keeping the shenanigans 'in the family.'

David - great job on your first cutaway! I'm glad I got the chance to re-familiarize myself with the ins & outs of a Flexon repack. Including the unique (but ovbiously functional!) RSL system :D. Also, you are a very good dancer.

Talked with Jack today.
Update: He remains in Atlanta. He's doing ground schools, working with students, doing various stuff around the DZ, and rigging. He's packing Strong tandem reserves like they're nothing. Every time I pack a Strong tdm reserve I feel like MY back is broken, so this news was a big deal to me B|.

He may start jumping again at the end of July, depending on MRI results. I know it's been a long time since his injury, but I'm hoping that everyone is keeping him in your thoughts. He's come a very long way against some difficult odds, and his recovery is not yet over.

Thanks to everyone for a kickass weekend. Beav 2 - thanks for all of your help.


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BUS show/CD release party in Carrboro next Friday!!!

(this is the band 'formerly known as' Big Pretty and the Red Rockets. They've played at two of our boogies.)

They are amazingly good + fun. I listen to their first CD at least weekly. Everyone who can should come - you won't be disappointed. Their music is uplifting & happy and whenever I see them live I'm in a good mood for days B|. Bring cash to buy their CD; they're seriously that addictive.

You may see some women from the DZ in short skirts & heels, like you've never seen us before .... or you may not. We haven't decided yet :P


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Wouldn't you know the beav's luck...I get friday's off now...yay, BUT next week I have thursday off and not friday...SHIT!!!
...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!

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