
CSS anyone 2??

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David, I'm sure there will be at least one pick-up team that would need a fourth. Meanwhile, your sister and I will be thumbing our noses at the whole competition thing and just enjoy freeflying during the chaos. :P

Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Good luck at Raeford CSS'ers!

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned yet in this thread, but in case you haven't heard, the DZ will be open EVERY DAY from Aug 1-15th. That's starting this wednesday. Come out and get your weekday groove on and watch the Egyptian CRW team do their thing!
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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I cannot BELIEVE that you guys passed up the chance to use the name:
Ott*r D#r&o*p*p*($ing$&%*(s.

Best name for a 4-way team I've ever heard (Xcept for Snatch Force, a womens team from FL many years ago.)

I used code up there, so you can use that name again someday ONLY until/unless someone figures it out.

So, hurry!


p.s. Everyone come home safe. We've missed you.

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Since I figured out Eric's dropzone name I couldn't pass up the opportunity to decipher this one, not much of a challenge either.

But onto the REAL heros... teams Um Chicka and the Fockers, they will be glad to share their tunnel time with everyone, especially the Chickas since they got more than were originally going to get.

Good to see everyone!

~How do you know where the line is
if you never crossed it?~ unk.

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congrats again to everyone who competed, hopefully i'll be among u at the next meet!
tried to upload some pics but were to big so i'll just try and bring em out next time
aka Wag-Tail, ChangoEnLosPantalones Rodriguez, Sonic Skyjew
"Just remember... don't fuck up."
Shake 'n Bake!

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Congrats to everyone this weekend, it was a lot of fun.

I know most of you won't want to miss a day jumping, but is anyone interested in scuba diving one day this weekend? It would be at Fantasy Lake in Wake Forest, and they have a rental store there (around 50 bucks). Oh yea, and you would need your certification, or come as a guest and snorkel. Let me know.

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Um Chicka rocked .... esp realizing that 3 of them pretty much never fly on their bellies B| - yeah, Tess!

I'm VERY proud of the Fockers - I know you've worked hard, and you got that tunnel time you wanted :)
Carolina Ice is amazing. Skyleague was posting vid with very little delay, and their rounds were impressive!! The time, resources and dedication put into that team are staggering. I wish Ice all the best and I hope everyone at CSS will join in support of this CSL team on their road to Nationals.

Nate, Brandon and Matt: Quit having fun with Lyman like he's your age or something. B|;). It's dangerous at his age, and he can't stop talking/laughing about the collegiate atmosphere in your hotel. Did you call in some strippers, or what?


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John Lyman is leaving early in the morning Tues, 31 Jul for a family emergency. He 'plans' to be back Sun, 5 Aug, but we really don't know when he'll be back.

I'm leaving Sun 5 Aug 07, and will return Sat 11 Aug, although my plans depend somewhat on Lyman's situation.

We're going to try to keep the loft & store covered as best we can.

Please try to call me on my cell or in the loft in the next 2-3 days if you have any urgent rigging. (If you don't have my cell, PM - I WILL be on line frequently.) We will try to help you out as best we can!

We love you guys, and respect all of our customers. Thanks for trusting us to keep you safe, thanks for your understanding, and thanks for the support you've already (or should I say always??) shown us.

Meantime, keep up our CSS safety culture, or we will sic the vicious Saftey Puppy on you when we get back! Consider yourselves warned ..... :ph34r:


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Hello all,
Just a friendly reminder that the DZ is open EVERY DAY this week! We flew 5 King Air loads today and we have two otters standing by as soon as we have enough jumpers to fly them!
There are a few students every day and the CRW dogs will really start pouring in later this week!

Seeya at the DZ!
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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Nick is leaving.

I've never seen him post or lurk here and I received the first email in ages from him. For those who don't know I thought I would post it here.

So if you see him make sure to give him a hug. He is a good guy!


~How do you know where the line is
if you never crossed it?~ unk.

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Upping this dead thread. I've already sent out an unanswered/unresponded email, but just putting it up here for those I may have missed. RiverRock is going on again in Greenville this year, and one of the bands will be the BUS (formerly Big Pretty and the Red Rockets). It's a free concert, and I live there. Would like to see some friendly faces show up, but w/e. Miss you guyses.

Will come out there sometime this month.
...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!

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Hello all! I know it's late notice and all, but some of us are getting together at Milltown in Carrboro tonight at 8:30 for dinner & beer.
Come one come all! It's on main street in Carrboro right across the street from the Cats Cradle.
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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