
Great White Boogie @ Lake Wales

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The Great White Boogie...Hmmmm...I wonder if it was named that because all the FL locals get to snicker at how pale the Northern jumpers are when they come down. ;)

Seriously, I haven't heard of anyone coming down, but I'm sure there will be a good crowd at all of the dz's. Check the weather though, I heard there is a cold front coming on Saturday night which usually means rain for a bit.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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There's currently between 30-50 New Englad jumpers in FL already or landing there today or tomorrow. We have been going to Lake Wales this time every year for awhile now. Usually a bunch of jumpers get down there in the beginning of the week and hit Z-Hills, and then everyone converges on LW Thursday or Friday for the weekend boogie.
I'm stuck in NH this year :( Just bought a generator. It was -2 degrees here Monday.[:/]

My other ride is a RESERVE.

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