
Waller Wingsuit Weekend(Skydive Houston)

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***Wingsuit Weekend at Skydive Houston in Waller Texas***

When -- March 5 & 6

Registration Fee -- at least a 12 pack of non-cheap beer - iced down preferrably(for all to drink afterwards)

Jump tickets - $15 to 13/13.5k out of a Super Otter

Object of the weekend --
****Make new friends, get some cool video and still pics -- have fun****

***Try and tighten up the Texas and Texas area wingsuit community so we can do this on a regular basis***

***Get some of the wingsuit pilots who only do solos due to no other suits on the DZ to flock!!!

***Try and get more jumpers interested****

*First Flight Course can be held if needed - cost is slot plus suit rental (if owner of the suit requests it as we will not have many demos)

This event has no organizers (we will all pay for our slots) Coaching and debriefs will be FREE -- Video will be FREE (bring your own tape please) Stills will be FREE and emailed to all attending at a later date

Waller has 5 active wingsuit pilots on the DZ(let me know if there are more now!) Skydive Temple will be represented by 4 wingsuit pilots

If you plan on attending please respond so plans can be made.

Long Safe Flights
Jason "Voodew" Weisberg
D25988 AFFI

The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid

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