
First Anniversary Boogie & Fundraiser @ The Farm - 4/1-3

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Yes, you definitely need someone to video the flying sticks coming at you...it should be very interesting if not funny as hell to see...

I am soo glad I bought those motorcycle gloves... Drumsticks can fawk up some knucklage! I am sure we can find someone with a cam on the their head to record the madness.....


I will be there Saturday night :ph34r: (that is if the Jello shots are there).... oh and my partner in crime for the jello shot passing... hee hee

I am sorry I missed that... As sexy as the drunk dialed voice mails were to our DZO, I can only imagine what it was like live !!!!!

Damn is it Saturday yet ?????????

Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!

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If we get anywhere close to a full load... I am sure it will be more than worth it...

Now the only remaing question is this:

Do I wear my balloon suit so that I am a floaty fat fawk?


Do i wear my normal jumpsuit where I can easily fall close to 150 on my belly and make everyone work their ass off to get down to the bell?

Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!

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If we get anywhere close to a full load... I am sure it will be more than worth it...

Now the only remaing question is this:

Do I wear my balloon suit so that I am a floaty fat fawk?


Do i wear my normal jumpsuit where I can easily fall close to 150 on my belly and make everyone work their ass off to get down to the bell?

i will ring that bell so quick you wont know what hit you!


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hi jay
amber here i'll only pass jello shooters if you can bring back the really hot skydiver chick from Rome and maybe even a live profamance of the phone calls but only if you can deliver the good one hot skydiving chick i think it's worth the trade:D

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yes and showers. get this and greg will have to buy more land. Sorry dude you better get your ass to the bank..hehe;)

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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dude, i am with you. You serve the best jello shots besides rachael. You never did have the jello competition...She has boobies so she would of won ,, sorry:P:P:P

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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