
Season Opener Boogie at XKeys/ Fun Formal Affair

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Not sure if anyone cares..........but guess who just got a REALLY CHEAP TICKET to NJ? ;)

WOO-HOOO! See everyone soon and I'll be collecting on all the promised hugs and jumps I've been promised the last year :)

niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!!! B| that totally rocks!! finally! :)

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YEAAAA ~ someone is happy I am coming. I look forward to seeing and playing with everyone. Been TOO LONG since I've been back to Cross Keys. It will be a short trip - come in LATE Thursday and leave EARLY Monday and staying with step-mom in Maple Shade (think that is like 30 minutes from the DZ?). Saturday will be my big jumping day - hope everyone saves me at least one ;)

I'm so damn excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great Friday!

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Sweet! I am going to take the question marks off your names then, cuz I KNOW the weather will be great!B| YAY!!!


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BBBBBB.......I really want to see you again too girl. It's been to long so go check out expedia.com. I just found THIS MORNING a round trip ticket from FL to Phili for $121...........

Just come.......PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.....Chris needs a kiss on each cheek from us :P

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Which ones would you prefer dirty boy?! ;) Pictures WILL BE evidence, be careful what you ask for :P

I can't wait to see everyone - I'm all excited for the weekend now! I'm guessing I should bring my Under Armor huh? Might be warm on the ground but up top, in NEW JERSEY MUST still be chilly, right?

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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I'm guessing I should bring my Under Armor huh? Might be warm on the ground but up top, in NEW JERSEY MUST still be chilly, right?

since your definition of 'chilly' is probably anything below 70, then yes, bring some warm clothes. :D :P xo

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SAWWEEEEEEEEEEEET!!! Hell yeah you can be corrupted too!!

Liz!! The bling bling sistas have the boys lining up!! OHHHHHH...if they only knew what they were in for....:D:D:D


not really sure what i'm getting into but I'm all for it!!!;);)

Face first landing YET again! "I thought I flared" Grass tastes great!!!!!

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I was just thinking the same thing. Speaking with sister trying to coordinate the whole vehicle/"how am I getting around" thing :S........I will be at the DZ bright and early Saturday hoping to see lots of smiling faces ready for first load ;)

17 days and counting ~

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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