
Season Opener Boogie at XKeys/ Fun Formal Affair

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She sent it to me today. I can do better! We'll try again at Xkeys.

Send me a copy, please! That was just TOO funny!

And that was just a casual night, I'm SURE we can surpass that at XKeys!

I'm sure hoping I can make it. Only 8 1/2 hrs by Expedia maps.

~How do you know where the line is
if you never crossed it?~ unk.

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here you go.... :$ :D dig my cool ROO shoes!

i'm just really hoping it will be warm. i hate wearing hats and fleece and drinking more than i should just to stay warm!

The weather up here is getting warm. It's in the mid 50's to 60's now and by next week it's projected to be in the 70's. I think it should be nice warm weather by the boogie. Then again what do you consider warm?:)

Face first landing YET again! "I thought I flared" Grass tastes great!!!!!

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dig my cool ROO shoes...i hate wearing hats and fleece

I can't believe you actually posted that. Thanks though. You are a strong woman!

It was a tad bit nipply that night and then when you stay TOO close to the fire you loose your climatization altogether.

Isiah that's what our conversation was revolving around, now you know.

The sunny finally came out here, but still too darn windy. [:/]

~How do you know where the line is
if you never crossed it?~ unk.

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Hey guys )and gals) It actually looks like my manager is going to give me an extra day off so I can go to the season opener. So what time do things start to get going there (and what would be a good time for me, being that I'm just coming to check everything out, to get there? I don't want to be in the way or anything.
And if anyone feels like meeting up with me when I get there, I would greatly appreciate it. I can be rather shy when going to an event and meeting a hole bunch of new people. I can't seem to talk any of my friends into coming out with me, so it looks like I might be coming alone. Thanks again everyone.

The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.

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Okay........ first of all, you would NEVER get in the way!!!! you're almost NOT a whuffo! :D second of all.... show up anytime. we'll be around. i'll be there jumping all day saturday and sunday.... i've been told that i look like a bumble bee in my freefly suit..... that, or that i ride the short bus.

if you aren't embarassed being seen talking to me, come up and introduce yourself. otherwise, find one of my cooler friends. :D

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I wouldn't be embarassed talking to anyone- but exactly how would I find either you, or one of your cooler friends? I'm sure there is going to be a ton of people there...and seeing as how I've never met any of you, it might be hard to pick you out of a crowd.
And I'm glad that I'm being considered "almost not a whuffo." I know why I want to jump out of an airplane. And I can;t wait to do it. :)

The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.

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I wouldn't be embarassed talking to anyone- but exactly how would I find either you, or one of your cooler friends? I'm sure there is going to be a ton of people there...and seeing as how I've never met any of you, it might be hard to pick you out of a crowd.
And I'm glad that I'm being considered "almost not a whuffo." I know why I want to jump out of an airplane. And I can;t wait to do it.

Most skydivers are easy going and will talk to you, so look for anyone in a jumpsuit. If there are grippers on thier jumpsuit (puffy things like large hot dogs) then you will get an intelligent conversation, if there aren't grippers, expect to talk to a drugged out hippie from CA...dude! :P

~How do you know where the line is
if you never crossed it?~ unk.

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HA HA,, Liz! Very funny!:P

Seriously, if you aren't sure who anyone is and don't want to walk up to someone, go to the Maifest window in the hangar where everyone is packing and stuff and ask for me. If they can't see me, they can page me. I would be more than happy to get you introduced to people and Xkeys.

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Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the welcoming I'm getting. I can't wait to meet you guys and check everything out. I'm still trying to talk my wife into coming with me, but she's having none of it...Oh well, her loss. :)) I'll catch you all later.

The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.

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at last count there are 9 of us making the 800+ mile trip from various parts of the maritimes.B| don't worry, some of us are bringing real beer for the deprived to sample.:D
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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