
High Altitude jumps in Russia

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DZ Borki announces the launch of its high-altitude jump weekends starting May, 1, 2005. We're going to jump off a big MI-26 able to haul as many as 90 people at once, with oxygen onboard.

Exit altitude varies between 18k to 21k, ticket price, depending on how many people attend, will be $43 (RUR 1200) to $54 (RUR 1500). Tandem jumps $220. And I know for a fact some video guys are willing to happily video you if you but cover the jump slot for them :)

Requirements include a B license (I believe A license holders will be allowed to jump solo) and an AAD.

Feel free to ask me any questions :)

Edit: MI-26 is this big, 120-ft-long helicopter :)

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