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Ground school with an instructor and then a jump with the instructor is what I had to do.

GS was just questions about BSRs and general knowledge. Jump was to prove I could fall stable.

It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Postal Rodriguez, Muff 3342

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Show up early, impress them with your knowledge/preparation. They might give you a break.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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From what I've seen it depends on the dz. Anywhere from emergency procedure review (with harness time) accompanied by a level 4, to as little as a few questions about malfunction recognition and a "have a good time".

Regardless of whether your dz requires it or not, I would personally review malfunctions and get some cutaway practice in the harness, at the minimum.

Have fun, and be safe!


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I had to answer a bunch of verbal questions, review emergency procedures and then do a check out dive.

The check out dive was just me mirroring what the instructor was doing. He would do a turn a certain number of degrees in a certain direction and I would imitate him. My imitation wasn't perfect but that seemed to be OK. I'm not sure if my canopy skills were being looked at because they weren't discussed and the instructor was nowhere to be seen when I landed.

Whatever doesn't kill me, just makes me cry.

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Instructors are sneaky characters. Chances are he was spying on you from the packing hangar.
Since you survived the canopy ride, you did not make any major mistakes, so he did not feel any need to comment on how you steered your parachute.

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