
Perris Evolution Canopy Control School

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While I'm at Perris this summer, I was thinking about taking the basic course at the Perris Evolution Canopy Control School. I'm not close to swooping, just looking for improved accuracy, canopy control and such.

Has anyone else done it? Did you find it worthwhile for basic skills? Other thoughts?


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Has anyone else done it? Did you find it worthwhile for basic skills? Other thoughts?

Oh, man, do it. Don't think twice. I did it at jump 40...and while I am still not very good, I am much better - it's not guesswork anymore for me, not "magic" that the canopy stays up, comes down, and does what it does. It's a great tool for anyone, at any level. What is really great is that they are able to tailor the course to your level, irrespective of who else may be in the class with you. The mix can be totally disparate, but the learning isn't...

If you want "basics", the ground school is great. If you want actual work time, the jumps are great. The vids on landing, and the debrief afterwards was invaluable. Your accuracy will improve, your set up will improve, and your landings will improve...and for me, my confidence level shot up measurably.

I honestly say that it was the best money after AFF that I've spent. Totally worth every penny (to me), and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone, at any time, for any reason....


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I've never attended it, but I can't see how, if you're going to try and learn something, that you could come away from a course like that without getting anything from it.

I'd say go for it. There's always something to learn and there's little question that the instructors are among the top available.

Let us know if you go and how it turns out.

blue skies
Performance Designs Factory Team

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I haven't taken that canopy control course, but i was coached for canopy control. I started at jump 25 due to a few months layoff since completing my A license. I learned so much from these coached jump. I can now land much better than i did before, and i have a lot more confidence in myself (not over confidence) I have heard it said before here (dropzone.com) that you can spend 100 to 200 jumps on the same canopy and you are still learning. I know i can now spend that much perfecting my canopy control.

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With SO many jumpers these days smashing in and leaving body sized divots in the landing area, I don't think there is a better choice than canopy coaching these days and Evolution is as good as they come. The best in my opinion. I attended last year and the things I learned then, at 400 jumps, I am still applying and progressing at 800 jumps a year later.

The biggest advantage it gave me in terms of accuracy was how to effectively build a "sight picture" of my landing pattern/approach. I keep a log of "distance versus wind speed" on the different size canopies I jump. So now, whether it's a 270 hook into 6mph winds or a 90 turn to final after a video jump on a no wind day, I know pretty accurately A) How high and B) how far away to initiate my final turn to reach my projected target without overshooting or underhooting the landing. Once it's engrained in your mellon, you'll be able to visualize your landing pattern beforehand and eventually it'll become second nature and you'll become the most accurate cat on the DZ! That's my .02

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The only con I can think of is the cost. $280 if I remember correctly. That includes the in class instruction and the 5 video debriefs of your approaches and landings. The cost does not include jump tickets.

My advice is to take the course at the beginning of your stay. People who take the course are encouraged to keep on coming back for pointers and further instruction.

They definitely teach you things you need to know. They teach to the experience level of all participants, which varied quite a bit when I did the course in January. I took the course after having made 46 jumps. I was shocked at my ability to land in the main landing area on the first canopy school jump.

The video debriefs are a real eye opener. I was surprised by the type of stuff that I was doing to screw up my landings. If you can, you should also listen in when other students are doing their video debriefs.

When I'm ready, I will probably take the course again so that I can learn about high performance landings.

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