
mile-hi in july?

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We have an old saying here in Colorado.

If you don't like the way the weather is right now, stick around and wait for about five minutes, cause it will change."

Who the hell knows what the weather will be like then. One year we had snow, one year we were hot as hell. Just keep an eye on the ten day forecast. That isn't even going to give you the correct weather:S
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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hola, i just felt the need to make a few comments bout the colorado weather. i´m originally from florida and i must say the weather changes constantly n quite quickly there. but colorado is similar. n in july it is usually very good. i did my aff out there last august n never got weathered out for an enitre day. so, i believe you´ll be fine. i´ve never jumped at mile hi (only because i heard they focus more on tandems) so i can´t comment, but hope you have a great time! i will be celebrating the fourth from afar (españa) so b sure to light a few fireworks for me.

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