
Friendly and close in the (south) UK?

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I'm looking for somewhere to jump in the UK. I'd rather drive a little further and have a good atmosphere than be closer and have a bad one.

Currently consider Hinton my home, but want to leave. Looking for suggestions please :)
London apparently has a DZ (High Wycombe iirc) according to skydive the mag but I never hear anything of it. Cambs has got one too which is pretty close, but if anyone can give me some feedback that'd be great.

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Just up the road from Hinton is Weston - lovely large DZ, probably the best kept in the country. Their prices have kept me away this year but you ought to find them very closely priced to Hinton. They are only open a portion of the year though and their membership is one of the higher ones.

Also within shooting distance of you should be Chatteris... I've only been there a year or two ago so can't comment really on them further.

You might also consider shooting up the M1 to Langar although this is a little further.

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Thanks. Lots of reasons to move, and very little experience make it tricky :|

I was thinking of langar although its a bit far (probably an hour and a half to two hours away) Chatteris was the Cambs one I was thinking of, or London Parachute School in Hazlemere, but that looks quite small.

Have you jumped at either?

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I've *considered* a few places, but posted so hopefuly people will reply with they opinions. A website is an advert after all, I'm after personal recommendations!

I've been a bit spoilt jumping from the Van at DeLand for my AFF, so I'm hoping to avoid the 206 only DZ's, but if push comes to shove I'd jump anywhere where they're friendly - thats the key. :)

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Well Nethers is very friendly with nice aircraft (Islander and Grand Caravan), good bar, awesome parties, good facilities (bunkhouse, showers etc), large indoor packing area, coaching available in all disciplines and fun people. I like it there anyway! It's not the states, but as UK DZs go, it's pretty good! :)

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Yeah, Id be happy to recomend Nethers or Weston or South Cerney. Nethers and Weston are the bigger operations. Nethers will be a little cheaper than Weston but I think a bit further away. South Cerney cheaper again by a way and probably as much of a pain for you to get to and they have some opening issues.

The best advice is to go visit each one and jump there. Make your call based on how you found them. I've always personally been able to talk a DZ into letting me jump as a non member/temp member if I plead the fact I'm just visiting for the weekend. Then go back and sign up for real.

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If you are planning on checking out any UK DZs in the next couple of weeks, do bear in mind that this weekend a lot of teams will be training for the Nationals (so are likely to be quite focussed on their own jumping), the following weekend is the 4-way Nationals (Hib will be crawling with teams, other DZs may seem quiet!) and the weekend after that is the 8-way and artistic nationals (ditto). After that, things should get back to normal at all UK DZs! :)

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Ah right, thanks for that. I had planned on going to Chatteris this weekend (probably Sunday). I've got some jumps to get in at Hinton this weekend (providing they've cut the grass...) and I'll try and do that Saturday.

I might start my tour the week after! Ta!

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I've jumped at all the DZ's mentioned so far, except Weston (and Hinton, but I did visit on a windy day).

There's one more you could consider, and thats Sibson. I wouldn't even stop the car at Chatteris and I have 5 jump tickets left for there!

Sibson is the best of all I've been to so far, with the possible exception of Hibs.

Great 410 Turbolet, massive landing area, great facilities, very friendly and sociable jumpers there.

Its not my local DZ (which is Peterlee, and I love) but I still make the trek (3 hours) down there once a month to jump.

Its only my opinion, but check it out and see what you think.
Lee _______________________________

In a world full of people, only some want to fly, is that not crazy?

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Langar Boogie 2 will be on August Bank holiday through to the next weekend. Skyvan should be there (usually is haven't heard for sure) in addition to both caravans (not a 206 in sight!). Usually parties on both weekends (new bar manager so will have to see what he sorts out)

Not so close to the South but plenty of us make the trek up. All the facilities you need and with any luck they'll have finishe the new shower block so you won't have to brave the old one!

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Thanks all who replied - I'll scope them out asap! Looks like I'll be doing quite a tour.

How does the jumping at other DZ's work if I only wanted to jump for a day there to see what its like? Do they offer 'temporary membership' or something? Hintons membership is only a tenner, but times that by say 4 other DZ's to check out, and thats a couple of jumptickets ;)

The long grass isn't the only reason I want to move from Hinton (although I dont to fracture anything much either...) - theres *plenty* of other reasons :|

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How does the jumping at other DZ's work if I only wanted to jump for a day there to see what its like? Do they offer 'temporary membership' or something?

Nethers membership is (off the top of my head!) £30 per year, but they will do a one month temporary membership for £5. Again off the top of my head, Langar and Hib have no membership fee. Hopefully others can give details of membership fees at other DZs.



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Weston is the same I think. £30 for the year but £5 weekend membership. Note though that with only weekend membership tickets are more expensive by a couple of quid.

No idea if SC has a weekend membership or anything... they're only £10/year anyway though...

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Thanks all who replied - I'll scope them out asap! Looks like I'll be doing quite a tour.

How does the jumping at other DZ's work if I only wanted to jump for a day there to see what its like? Do they offer 'temporary membership' or something? Hintons membership is only a tenner, but times that by say 4 other DZ's to check out, and thats a couple of jumptickets ;)

There's no membership fee at Langar. The Skyvan is booked for Boogie 2 and at the moment blocks of 10 tix are £180, however that may go up before September. Camping is free and there is a bunk house. The grass on the LZ is allowed to grow but never gets above shin height (or waist height if you are Al or Swifty). There should be loads going on particularly over the weekends.
The long grass isn't the only reason I want to move from Hinton (although I dont to fracture anything much either...) - theres *plenty* of other reasons :|

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Hi, if you're anywhere reasonably close to London and can get into town on a weeknight, join our London Skydivers group. Theres currently 123 people on the mailing list that jump in all the local dropzones surrounding London. So either come and join us for our monthly socials and alcohol fests in London, or just join the email group and ask some questions on there. :)
the link to join the group is in my signature on here.

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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