
Closest DZ to Palm Beach FL

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Hey all, I want to give skydiving a spin, I'm trying to find the closest DZ to PB, I'm thinking Air Adventures of Clewiston is the closest, but I ain't sure, anyone know of one closer? I read somewhere there was one @ West Belglade Airport, but I don't see it listed on this site.
Would it be worth while to drive north rather then way out west to Air Adventures of Clewiston if that Belglade one is closed down?
- Mike

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Clewiston may be a little closer, but Sebastian will give you a beautiful view of the coastline. I recommend Sebastian too!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Thanks everyone - I'm really slacking on my dz.com time these days!

Yes, come see us - we just did a shuttle load this morning!!! Unfortunately our timing was just a tiny, tiny bit off this time (it's been a few years and we are rusty). All we got was the plume in the background instead of the shuttle itself.

Well, if this one comes back in one piece we can try again in September...:o

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I'm in West Palm Beach and travel to all dzs throughout the state depending on where my out of town friends happen to be traveling in to...WPB is awesome..and easy breezy to go to Clewiston, Sebastian, Titusville, Deland, Zhills...Gotta LOVE Florida! We jump year roundB|


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dude u live in fl theree are so manmy great dzs theres really no reason to go to clewiston i drive 260 miles every weekend to go deland or titasville rather than 75 miles to clewiston if u want the real dz experiance go to a real dz remeber its not just the jumping its the lifestyle... c y all at rantoul 8 more days cant wait..yeeehaaa

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