
Helpful incident speculations

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I'm not sure how to title this, but I guess a general thread for discussing possibilities as to why one/any incidents happened is needed. Perhaps this is a place that we can talk about any one or more of the incidents, possibilities of what might have or can happen, and learn from others' thoughts or previous experiences. It appears to be an ongoing issue that it's disrespectful or wrong to discuss anything but the facts in Incidents and I too think we need a place where we CAN discuss these things...here?


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Yes, I think you're in the perfect forum to discuss things that can, have, and will go wrong.

There is already a thread on the first page about contact lenses, but you may want to dig up an old thread about stuck toggles (or start a new one), Eplilepsy, or anything else to discuss/speculate.

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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Hopefully this will also open up an area for other things that I might not think to search for old threads on as well. I'm sure there are plenty of possibilities for many incidents that might not even occur to me at all to look for.


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I for one is all for discussing incidents and accidents.

Often facts are short, and there is a lot of speculation. This is not all bad in my book. Something can be learned from speculation. Even if what someone is speculating to be the cause, turns out to be wrong, it might still have raised some important unadressed issue. So I wont go as far as to say speculation is all bad.

But the kind of things I have seen recently like "epelepsy" or other things that relates to the injured / killed skydivers mental or physical condition is BAD! Nothing is to be learned from that, and it only showes lack of respect! Let a proper investigation resolve those issues!

Even though my general opinion is that speculation is well in place in this forum, sometimes it tends to get out of hand, and it drowns the facts and clouds the issue. I feel that often speculation goes to far. But I guess that is something we all have to live with unless we ban everything but facts. And would you like the job to determine what is what?

I started writing a lot regarding low turn incidents, but I desided to post a separte thread on this, so I wont turn this thread of it's intended course.

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Speculation can be very healthy.

I am a big fan of "The more you rehearse on the ground - the less you have to improvise in the air."

Part of that rehearsal is knwoing what's possible. Sometimes we don't know what's possible, until someone says...

"What if...?"

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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I'd like to add : sometimes the 'impossible' happens.

I truly believe running scenarios, no matter how 'impossible', through our minds helps train our minds to problem solve. In a sport with very little time/room for error I consider it a necessity. None of us knows just what will happen next, and knowing I had thought through it or a similar instance when I had time to do it thoroughly makes my deciscion making a lot sharper (I think anyways).

Speaking of 'what if'.....wheres our next list, Hooknswoop?
Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

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