
Any apartments to rent in Davis California

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Heading out to DAVIS for some HALO jumps at Skydance from 19 september to October 01 and it seems impossible to find a house or apartment to rent, we have a team of 3 and only need a place for 12 nights, quite happy to pay a reasonable amount up to $1500 total as long its not a dive.

Anyone now of anything in the area or have any contacts out there, have spoken to the DZ but they have come up dry on this one.

Thanks for any info

Dont just talk about it, Do it!

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I was a landlord in Davis for many years. It's going to be very difficult to find a short term rental there because 95% of the rental apartments are for student housing (the university is by far the largest thing there). Your best bet is probably to look for someone who is late getting back for the start of the term (which is usually around the end of September) and could rent you their place. The vacancy rate in Davis is pretty high in the summer, and lots of students pay rent on apartments they aren't actually living in during those months (but as I said, the term will start during your stay, so that probably won't apply).

The ASUCD (Associated Students of UC Davis) maintains a community housing listing service that might be a good place to start.

Another good source would be the Education Abroad Office. They usually have a need for short term housing for visiting students, and also usually have some students abroad who have vacant apartments and might be willing to rent for a short term (but might not).

Another thought: You might find it easier to find lodging in Winters, or Woodland, or one of the other towns in the area. They're pretty much just as close to the DZ, and are going to be cheaper, and with more flexible vacancies, than the university town of Davis.
-- Tom Aiello


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Maybe you could consider renting an RV from El Monte RVs. Then you might be able to park on the DZ. Talk to Ray first.

There is a Nor Cal skydivers group on Yahoo as well. You can check in to see if anyone has any other accomodations.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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You could try this place, it's run by a skydiver in Oregon, named Bruce. He's cool as heck and if you mention your situation, you'll probably find some sort of deal....

the info: Valley Oaks Inn
600 N East St
Woodland, CA 95776-6111
(530) 666-5511
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Yo Fraser

Email me if you are interested in hearing about the rooms available at the Parachute Center in Lodi.

They are large enough to sleep 4 comfortably and there is jumping 7 days a week. ;)

We also have about 7 wingsuit flyers as a regular group flockers.

Be safe.

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Would love to get over to LOdi, but we are Davis specifically for some 30K jumps otherwise would love to get over and flock with you guys.

Thanks for the info though.



No worries.

After your done doing that one COLD jump at sunrise, you'll only have to drive 40mins south to flock with us in Lodi. ;)

Be safe.

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