
HELP: First Aid Box

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I like to set up a first aid box for our DZ. Can someone help me to put a list together what should be in this box? Do you guys have something like that at your DZ?

Even minor injuries can cause big problems if not proper treated..


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Hey Marcus,

There was an excellent forumn about a month or so ago about this. I wrote a lengthy list about what to supply your medical/first-aid kit with. Check it out by clicking on this or copy and paste it in your address. If it doesn't come out properly, it is in the forumn titled "medical smarts at the DZ". Here's the link. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=434480;search_string=search_string;#434480 I hope it helps. If you still can't get in, mail me at jtadrenaline@yahoo.com . I can offer many many suggestions. There was also some other great replys on that other fourmn. Be smart, safe, and prepared for those that are not.
Blue skies,

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Very interesting post. I worked as a paramedic a few years back, so I just wanted to get some ideas what you guys think is necessary in a first aid kid, maybe especially for skydiving (e.g. adjustable cast for ankle, cooling spray ...). Just like a short list what should be included...

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You might check our EMPs web site(emergency medical products 800-558-1551)

If you have training... here are a few suggestions of what I bring on BASE expeditions:

1. Water and space blanket.
2. Adjustable cervical collar
3. Mega trauma dressing
4. Sam Splints x 2
5. Wire Splints x 2
6. Oral airway
7. Ashermans chest seal
8. Traumadex stop blead kit
9. CPR mask
10. Elastic comp bandages
11. Short back board and straps.
12. DAN oxygen provider kit
13. Drugs .... if you have a doctor or nurse willing to help you (like if you are building a kit for a remote location).

Just a few suggestions .

Jay Epstein

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Get online and check out Galls. I'm not sure what the link is, but they supply EMS/Fire fields with a lot of gear. They have several different bags that come completely stocked.

The basic First Responder bag, IMO, isn't quite good enough for a DZ setting. The next level up (which is pretty much an EMT-B bag without O2) is what we've got. It's filled out with everything we wanted. The next level up has O2, but other than that is overkill.

This is kind of a one-stop shop to get set up, from there you can customize it as needed.

"...and once you had tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward.
For there you have been, and there you long to return..."

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I'd recommend two kits, actually.

Kit #1 is a basic first-aid kit. You can get these at any drug store for about $20 and they'll have plenty of bandaids and some bactine and stuff like that, for minor everyday bumps-and-scrapes. This way, you won't be looting your main trauma kit for this kind of thing, which can leave the kit in less-than-ready condition.

Kit #2 would be a proper trauma kit. Galls has good ones, or you could also try Practical Trauma, who can customize a kit for you as well. Make sure the kit you get includes (or add to it) an adjustable cervical collar, some cardboard splints, a few big rolls of gauze, a TraumaDex hemostatic kit, a chest seal, and (ideally) a backboard - long if you have room, short if you don't.

And most importantly, make sure you get the staff some emergency medical training. Red Cross has a good first responder course that's a good start, or you may have a Skydiving Paramedic or EMT willing to do some training; the training is at least as important as the equipment! And get some people CPR-certified for sure.

I'm an EMT and I have a fanny-pack trauma kit in my gear bag, and carry a CPR microshield, just because you never know...
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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I am a retired fire capt. with 15 years as a medic. Don't you think a DZ first aid kit should be phone for 911 and someone assigned to not move the pt. until help get there? Of course that would depend on how far help is.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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