
Hollister 6 Way Speed Formation 10/8-10/9

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Hey all! We're doing it again!!

Our 3rd Annual Paul Cousins 6-way Speed Star Weekend. We will be
holding it this year on October 8th - 9th (rain date). The cost is
$135 and includes 4 jumps, all with video, one of our legendary BBQ's
on Saturday night, and an incredible raffle!

The raffle includes:

50% off a Wings rig
5 x $75 Wings factory rebates
One 2K Composites FF1 Freefly Helmet
30% off gift certificate from PD
30% off gift certificate from Sun Path Products (Javelin)
$100 off one hour at Skyventure Arizona wind tunnel
50% off Tony Suits/Air Time Cargo Pants
35% off base/15% off options on Relative Workshop V3 M-Series Micron

And many more goodies....

So please call to register at 1 (800) FUN JUMP or (831) 636-3483.

We look forward to hearing from you!

All the best,

Aviva and the staff at Adventure Center Skydiving

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