
Halloween Bash

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Slap yourself together a costume and come hang out with us in Sebastian. Saturday night (Ocotber 29) we will have a great Party.

Tiff and I will work the Tiki Bar that night keeping everyone well supplied with liquid refreshments and probably some of our famous not so liquid refreshments of the jello persuasion.

There will be freefly disorganizing with Will. Yes, he will be back and as disorganized as ever, I'm sure.

PJ will be with us for some RW organizing.

If I have some wingsuit interest - I could get an organizer to keep you birds happy if you let me know that you'll be here for it.

We'll end the jumping day with a hit and chug. Then get in our costumes for the party. Costume contest, maybe some speed pumpkin carving... who knows what will happen?

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