
Couchfreaks vs. WFFC

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Well I'm planning my boogie list (it'll be short) and am trying to figure out which one to put on there. I may be able to swing both of them, but if you could only do one which would you do and why?
Both places are within a 7 hour commute so travel isn't an issue. I want to jump durnig the day and have fun during the evenings. What do you think?

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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If you want to jump a bunch of diff. planes wffc, but if you want to just jump otter's, skyvan, Kingair, and see a bunch of weirdos in costumes Couch. Wffc also has all the vendors, but each year couch has more and more vendors. My choice is Couch. We have our own dj that comes with us each year and spins all night. Also Couch has the beer truck, I mean Milk truck. Oh and don't forget the Chicken pooper Sat. and Sun. night.

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They lay out a tarp with random numbers and you buy your number at manifest for five dollars, than at the party in the hanger they put a chicken on the tarp and the first number it poops on wins. Sat. night I think it's like $300 and sunday night 500. It's best if you yell at the Chicken to poop. I yell "Shit you F'n Chx."

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I did both last year and by far CF was great! Of course I have been to quite a few WFFC and that was my, hmm 1st CF.

I have to do this, but another one to think about is SkyFest. We will have over a dozen mfrs. and a live gear auction. But our flight line will be
tailgator, 2 otters, heli, powered parachute, pitts bi- plane, 3 balloons, and more in the works.

hope i didnt hi-jack this one.

I must say that CF is an event that stands on its own. Great vibe, good parties, and excellent skydives.

have fun which ever you choose and stay safe.

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The variety of jumpships at the WFFC is HUGE. Free beer everynight, free music everynight. Hot showers, shuttles, free. Great vibe from lots of people who wouldn't miss it. Heck if you can do both, do both!
If you come ( I mean WHEN you come) to the WFFC look me up. I'll be the REALLY sunburned person with 2 cell phones stuck to her ears....

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The variety of jumpships at the WFFC SkyFest is HUGE. Free beer everynight, free music everynight. Hot showers, shuttles, free. Great vibe from lots of people who wouldn't miss it. Heck if you can do both, do both!
If you come ( I mean WHEN you come) to the WFFC SkyFest look me up. I'll be the REALLY sunburned person with 2 4 cell phones stuck to her our ears....


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yea, yea, well this year I'll have THREE cell phones. Top that!
No really, Don't limit your self when it comes to boogies, and don't be too parochial. We all learn from and love each other, so travel and learn as much as you can, and THEN come to the WFFC and hang with me!

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yea, yea, well this year I'll have THREE cell phones. Top that!


I gracefully bow down to you. 2 phones is enough for me.:)

No really, Don't limit your self when it comes to boogies, and don't be too parochial. We all learn from and love each other, so travel and learn as much as you can, and THEN come to the WFFC and hang with me!

I second that!! Be safe and enjoy the hard work everyone puts into making events happen.

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