
Need DZ in UK

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I remember I went to KFC once and the person serving me didnt put napkins or that little alcohol handwipething into my take out bag......

I noticed it at the time but didnt want to tell them that I was dissapointed about the level of service.....you know...dont go there often,didnt wnat to make a fuss

I still enjoy KFC but probably would move to the 'next' till if I came across the same server....


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I live in Brandon and completed my AFF in the netherlands. Need a good DZ where I can finish my A license.

When I was just of AFF with no 'A' liocence I found that Hinton was the most accomodating drop zone that I tried - briefing on emergency procedures, jump with instructor then cleared to carry on. But Old Buck was not as slick an operation then.. I would recommend calling Old Buckenham first, with Hinton second on the list.

I'm NOT totally useless... I can be used as a bad example

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i have never jumped at old buck but i have seen Tommo and Grant in operation at Hinton and can imagine what their DZ would be like. So if you want a laugh and good people to jump with go to Old Buck and i hear they have signed a deal for a turbine plane next year.

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