
Ukraine Ground Launch Camp

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June 2-6, 2006


This camp will take place in the incredible Crimea Mountains which has level 1-10 launch points! The camp will be run by GLC instructors Jim Slaton & Duane Hall. Everyone participating in the camp will meet up at the Borispol international airport in Kiev, Ukraine.

The group will then fly from Borispol to Crimea and take vans to the launch points. Lodging and cafe is located right on top of the hills at the level 1 area. Launch points have roads leading to the top allowing the group to use vehicles to shuttle pilots to launch points. To join the camp and confirm your slot you must pay the non-refundable deposit of $250. Max slots available are 25. Here is the cost breakdown...

GLC's Russia camp
$500 camp
$100 airfare transfer fee
$30 ground transportation
$100 lodging
$100 food
*pilots must get themselves from their point of origin to the Borispol airport in Kiev, Ukraine. Pilots must arrive at the Borispol airport by 12:00pm on June 1, 2006.

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