
skydive venezuela feedback ?

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Hi there,

I have done a quick search in this forum but did not find a lot :

Has any one been to skydive venezuela recently ?
How is skydiving (wind, weather, °F, ...) ?
How about life & accomodation down there , wondering if bunks are up & ready ?

My ticket is booked, I'll be there in a month but i still don't have any accomodation.

please don't reply 'email them' coz I've done that and they don't answer [:/]

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hello! i m going there with alain at the same dates! you have to pay attention there is a problem with a bridge which is between the airport and the city. You have to take information.

For french people : http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs_909/pays_12191/venezuela_12312/index.html

hope to see ya there

LIFE iZ goOd

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wow, not so cool [:/]
wondering if there would be so local flight from caracas to the dropzone...

I got in touch directly with Giancarlo (who is in Dubai right now), -thanks beto74- : it appears that Internet access is tricky from the dropzone, which is why we don't get quick replies from skydive venezuela.


edit, my translation of the french embassy website:

the hightwway inbetween Maiquetia international airport and Caracas has been closed since January 6, for unkown duration.
one of the bridges is under too much telluric stress and it might collapse.
Local authorities recommand to use the old road, though it will no support all the traffic and is going through hazardous areas.
You should expect to spend a lot of time in traffic jams and waste hours before arriving.
The French ambassy advise that travlers take in account the delays when going allong that way.

edit one again:

good news for us is that the airport is on the right side of Caracas when going to the DZ, check google earth:
international airport : 10°29'10N 66°50'39W
the DZ: 10°27'42N 66°05'37W

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Good news:
I've gotten a reply from the dropzone, they'll be sending someone to pick me up.

Bad news:
It's going to set me back 120$ and take ~5hours.
I guess I'll just hope for the best and consider the ride a different kind of sightseeing :)

Also I'm a bit worried about robbery, apparently there's alot of hijackers along the old highway.
Since I'm a typical fat white guy:D, I'll probably be considered prime baitB|.
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it appears that Internet access is tricky from the dropzone, which is why we don't get quick replies from skydive venezuela.

Perhaps, but that does not explain why phone calls and messages go unanswered for weeks on end. Missing out on having one of the leading mfgs visit your dropzone with a bag of goodies in tow because you cannot return 2 weeks worth of calls or e-mails is a huge loss for the DZ, in more ways than one. I think SDV has a few more issues, besides a bridge being out, to fix before people even consider spending money on trips to Venezuela.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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I live in Caracas and jump at Skydive Venezuela since last april. The problem with the collapse of the bridge means it now takes 3 hours to get to Caracas by the alternative road (though they're already working in a bypass for the collapsed bridge). Actually I had to do it a week ago when coming back from my vacation in Spain. It didn't look too dangerous since it is packed with cars all the way to Caracas. Then it's 1 1/2 to 2 hours drive to the DZ. If you have any further questions and cannot reach Giancarlo or Jonathan, you can PM me and I'll try to be of some help.

si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor

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Unfortunately the problem with Venezuela is that in way towards decay of pretty much all the infraestructures.

It is not strange to have shortages in water suppply, electricity, etc.

There are possible flights from Caracas (Maiquetia Airport) to Maracay or Valencia. I would suggest you contact Aeropostal, Avensa, Rutaca, Aeroejecutivos, aerotuy. All reservations need to be reconfirmed by a day or two before the actual flight (by phone) otherwise you loose your reservation.

There are other problems there of course and I would seriously advice don't venture out at night without local friends.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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how about weather this time of the year ?
(temp, clouds, rain, vind...)

would the costal road from the international airport to Higerote be a good idea ?
I understand a 4x4 is needed, but what about safety and how long travel time ?

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The weather is usually OK all year long in Higuerote, but now it's even better since the rainy season is already at its end. Regarding the coastal road, I have no clue, but I wouldn't expect too much from secondary roads in Venezuela.

si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor

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