
Has everyone here had a cutaway?

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no i have 4:$in 535jumps..(no one the least 200).
1. wrong pack of PC,it got locked in the spandex(after looking at the gear after the ride,we found out that no one could have pulled it,not even with 2 hands on the PC/Bridel and a foot at the rig..)
2. too long opening
3.spinning Sabre120
4.the PC never inflated,while it made a knot and put the ZP downways,so it never caught air(like Lukas Knutson,lucky i had a reserve).

At the point were i got my 4th mal,i were close to quit the sport(i simply found it embarrasing to have so many).I hanked up into myself,and here i am..

I were actualy happy the day i had my first mal.,that day i knew that i can handel such a thingB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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7 wraps or entanglements as a member of the National CF rotation team.
7 Tandem mals - mainly broken brake lines on Vector 360 and 421 mains.
1 pilot chute across the nose and through the brake lines on a highly loaded eliptical. (Borrowed)
1 spinning mal on my Stilletto 107 loaded to 1.85

So in effect 1 chop on my own gear as a result of a malfunction.

It's the year of the Pig.

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Still no cutaways ... but today I came the closest I've ever come to having one ... I ended up pulling a little lower than normal (about 2500 feet because I had a great spot) and then upon opening the canopy developed a real nasty spin to the left which rear riser input couldn't seem to resolve (there were no line twists). But just before I went to plan B (the infamous cutaway), I tried to control myself by popping the breaks and steering with my toggles. And this worked though not immediately.

Now, I've had some time to think about what happened, and I think I did the right thing. I'm alive and I saved myself a reserve ride. But things happen pretty fast up there and altitude is lost very fast in those sort of spins. Had I delayed a little longer, I may have run out of time to cutaway and safely deploy the reserve. So this whole experience proved a wake up call that:

1) Shit can and will happen to me.
2) It happens really fast when in a violent spin.
3) Always be ready for the worst case.
4) Pulling at 3000 feet instead of 2500 feet regardless of the spot.


Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Yup... the solution we're trying, besides a bigger handle, is moving the handle pockets up on the back of the rig so the top one is just under the right flap.

That makes the distance between handle and pin a couple inches shorter, so I can pull it more efficiently with a straight-arm motion instead of having to torque my body by pulling out to the side. That is what I had to do before, as my arms were not long enough to pull the pin (pre-modification) simply by extending downward. That contributed somewhat to those two exciting incidents.


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My first was on my 130'th jump or so. It was clear right away it wasn't a normal opening. The main I was jumping in those days was a quick opener, so the decision was easy. I've had a couple since then (including 3 reserve rides from playing around with homemade/home modified hand-deploy pilot chutes :$)

The best way to be prepared is to
a. practice
b. really pay attention to your opening process, so that you notice early hints that it's not feeling right

Wendy W.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Same here! But I'm only at 430.

The closest I've ever been to a reserve ride was during my first jump. I think that's kind of strange.

blue skies (and no mals!),

Must be those QUALITY Wings that we jump, eh ? ;)

BTW.. congrats on hitting 100 posts you "enthusiast". LOL (I assume you're more than a skydiving enthusiast.) B|

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2 reserve rides...

1 was a cutaway after what was either a lineover or tension knowt (probably a tension knot as we didnt see any burns on the canopy)

the 2nd wasnt a cutaway... heck it wasnt even a pulled silver.... My reserve was IADed from the plane as my pop top got caught on the floating handle on the inside top of the door.... it was a looooooong ride from 13,500.....:$


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re: pilot chute entanglements...

I don't have real crw gear so I had my bridle shortened...4'9". Just clears the burble for deployment and hides on top of the canopy when open.


7 cutways in 1190 jumps, all following CRW entanglements and/or wraps.


Mike Wheadon B-3715,HEMP#1
Higher Expectations for Modern Parachutists.

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#19 shredded canopy
#34 spinning twists
#36 main hooked up backwards
none since then. hope i got them all out of the way early.

I had to read that twice.

First time through I read it as 19 shredded canopies, 34 spinning twists and 36 main hooked up backwards. A total of 89 mals.

Then I read it again :$
Arching is overrated - Marlies

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#36 main hooked up backwards

Damn dude, didn't you notice it when you packed it? Holy crap, now that was probably a surprise.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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I have 70 jumps and have not yet had a cutaway... A couple of hard pulls, but nothing that took me more than a second longer than normal to clear... But that's why I generally pull a little high. The other weekend, though, I opened with a diving right turn and was surprised to find myself evaulating its malfunction potential immediately. After landing, I realized that I had known rightaway that it wasn't a mal and fixed it.:)

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Yep ... on my 6th

I might have this one beat....
AFF Level 5....5th Jump....
Kinda my fault...ok..it was my fault...pulled unstable, bad line twist...spinning Manta! haha...
Look Red, Grab Red, Look Silver, Pull Red, Pull Silver! WHOO HA! It Worked....

Now go get our canopy...I was kinda pissed at that comment when I got on the ground.... I'm fine, thanks for asking....prick!


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Nope- not yet; B|, but I practice emergency procedures several times before every jump as well as while on the way up to altitude in the plane, visualizing different types of malfunctions with their proper safety procedure reactions- and I also ask questions of anyone I know who's experienced one-
Brokeneagle. :)

I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says... he is giving me a reputation I do not deserve!

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