
Skydiving in Vancouver?

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Dont know a huge amount about the North of the border DZ's but have jumped at Kamloops but that is probably a bit far. Hear good things about Pitt Meadows (Pacific Skydivers) and Abbotsford (Skydive Vancouver ). Nice people at Chilliwack as well.

Closest US DZ would be NW Skydivers.. Just opened up for business. Next closest is Snohomish then Blue Skies Skydiving near Bremerton and then Kapowsin in Shelton. They are noted in general order of distance from the border..

"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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Pacific Skydivers in Pitt Meadows is about a 45 minute drive from Downtown Vancouver and is the closest DZ. They are a seven day a week operation with a king Air and Cessnas. Wednesday nights and weekends rock. They also have another wooden shoed one like yourself by the name of Jaap Suter who is a regular.
Abbotsford is a bit further out the valley. They have a Porter and Cessnas, also seven days a week.
Chilliwack is no longer open.
Kamloops is a small one Cessna DZ 3 1/2 hours from Van except for one weekend of the year when they have a very cool boogie. Lucky for you that particular weekend is two weeks away. email Debbie dz@pacificskydivers.com and she will help you find a ride share to the boogie (the Monday is a National holiday).

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Pssst...... dont forget Northwest Skydivers.. we are just 50 miles south of the Canadian border in Mt Vernon WA. We also have a Porter and turn some fast loads to 14k. Check out the size of the windos in our Porter... it gives you a great view of ALL of the scnery that surrounds out DZ.. the Sound... the San Juan Islands....the North Cascades National Park to the East..... Jumps are only USD $20


You can even take the train from Vancouver BC.. or Seattle. ( the train goes right past the DZ) There is a train station right in Mt Vernon and I would be happy to come pick you up at the station. Its only 2 miles from the DZ

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Chilliwack is no longer open.

Why? And did they sell their student gear? Is Norm still jumping?

They closed for a variety of reasons. They never recovered from the two crash summer they had in 2004. Their insurance was astronomical after that. I don't know what happened to their student gear but it was very old. I doubt whether Norm will jump any more but if he does it will probably be in Pitt Meadows.

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