
Skydive Snohomish Freefly organizing and FREE coach jumps Memorial Day Weekend

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Skydive Snohomish and Crucible Freefly is hosting the inaugural Crucible Freefly Organzing and FREE coach jumps all weekend long! The Caravan is here, and is ready to GO! See here in the web cam: http://www.skydivesnohomish.com/skycam.htm It's parked in the back right!

Brad Harris of Crucible Freefly is kicking off the summer with a
weekend of Freefly load organizing and freefly one on one coach jumps.
It doesn't matter if you are an east fielder or a airport jumper, you
will get prejump dirt dive, filmed jump, and a video debrief. Let
Skydive Snohomish and Crucible Freefly start your summer out with a
bang! See you there!


Controlled and Deliberate.....

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Good to see this kind of thing happening elsewhere. Sebastian 5 just a couple of weeks ago did the same kind of event. 3 coaches and 26 coach jumps later, the day was a huge success. I recommend anyone that is in the area to take advantage of this generous offer, what could you possibly lose?

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