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Skyliber 0
QuoteI live in Astoria but I go mostly during the weekdays. I'll shoot you a PM when I go the day before.
Sweets thanks. I can probably make it out on Fridays. I guess I can skip work a few times.
-=+ Skyliber, Disynthegrate, & Nucleaire +=-
I Love SDLI tell them all Val says Hi

Hi, i'm actually planning on starting AFF there next weekend. Website says you can take the train and the car service from the train stop to the airport. How much does the car service run?
firstime 0
Hi Val,
I looked for your freebag to no avail. It will probably
turn up just when you buy a new one.
I looked for your freebag to no avail. It will probably
turn up just when you buy a new one.
Skyliber 0
QuoteHi, i'm actually planning on starting AFF there next weekend. Website says you can take the train and the car service from the train stop to the airport. How much does the car service run?
My friend took the train from Jamaica and then goes to Mastic / Shirley. It was something like 10/15 roundtrip. Then each way to Calverton was 30 dollars! So, about 70 or so round trip.
You can take the train to Ronkonkoma then switch to the Greenport line and get out at Riverhead. It will be about 25 round trip and then 15 to 20 in taxi fares each way. But, the train from Ronkonkoma doesn't run that often from Ronkonkoma to Riverhead. YOu'd be looking at an ALL day event.
Why don't you come with us. We're trying to have a steady group of people going on there every weekend. We can take turns renting the car or such and split the bill. It'll probably be best. Let me know. is my email.
Plus, I don't have to catch a ride with Larry. Just kidding, Larry.

-=+ Skyliber, Disynthegrate, & Nucleaire +=-
Skyliber 0
QuoteI live in Astoria but I go mostly during the weekdays. I'll shoot you a PM when I go the day before.
If you can, give me two days. If not, a day is fine. Thanks.
-=+ Skyliber, Disynthegrate, & Nucleaire +=-
Anybody (from NYC) going to Skydive LI Saturday July 1st? Will split gas...
k_marr08 0
I live in Baldwin - if anyone needs a ride I can help out, but I like to leave at all different times, so if you're coming out to Baldwin you'd have to leave pretty early in the morning (and plan it out with me in advance). pm me if you need a ride.

"I believe the risks I take are justified by the sheer love of the life I lead" - Charles Lindbergh
Skyliber 0
Anyone wanting to go this weekend which would be July 8th?
-=+ Skyliber, Disynthegrate, & Nucleaire +=-
-=+ Skyliber, Disynthegrate, & Nucleaire +=-
cadet142 0
I'll be out there tomorrow, 7/30, 1st thing in the morning.
Anybody going to SDLI from the city tomorrow or sunday (6/16-6/17) ?
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