
Good news!

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Skydive Paris of Paris TN has been allowed back on the Airport!!!!

The FAA Ordered the Management of the Airport to do so now or pay it all back! (2 years of Federal airport funding).

If your in the west TN, KY area and can show some support drop but for a jump and show the Airport we are a civiliazed bunch.

Bring a Tandem and I am sure you will make a free jump. Before the DZ was pushed off, it was common to see SL, AFF and Tandem Students preping for a jump on any given day. You would also see Coaches, CReW, vRW, bRW and an occasional wing suit. After jumping folks would hang out and cook a bit as well as continue to pass along any bit of info that could help a new or old jumper out.

So come out and tell the DZO "Welcome Home"!
(It will put a smile on his face).
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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