
Ticket Policy at Bay Area Skydiving

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I'd like to retract the previous post and thread, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do it.

Without airing dirty laundry in public, which I know you all love, but I'm unwilling to do, there were reasons the new owner wanted try to do something about the abundance of 'old tickets' that seem to keep showing up, and which are in far greater abundance than was estimated at the time of the sale of the business.

The reason we went to the new system with accounts, is because tickets are such a 'saleable' commodity, and tend to get transferred as cash from person to person. So if someone provided a service to the DZ and was given jump tickets for that, with the understanding that they are to use them for their own jumping. There was no way track where they went, if the person 'sold' them to someone else. (which is tacky) Or if someone bought them at a discounted price (which is tackier).

Anyway, enough ranting...After talking to the owner some more, here's the policy.

Bay Area Skydiving will continue to work with each individual who bought jump tickets from Bay Area Skydiving, period. Boogie tickets will be valid for this years and future boogies, period.

We request that each individual who has tickets purchased from Bay Area Skydiving, turn them in for credit to their account at their earliest convenience. (I.E. your next visit to the DZ)

The (humble) Management

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I have noticed the improved vibe of the management since Clay has taken over. This is just another example of how once a concern was brought to his attention, he wants to do right for the client. Way to go Clay.

And thanks to Connie and you for having the DZ open on the 4th and to Clay for the awesome post jumping party.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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