
RSL - pros and cons

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I have this fear about spinning out of control and my reserve wrapping around me.

Have you ever spun a weight on the end of a string around and around and let it go? Do the weight and string tangle? No. They fly straight away...same as you will when you cut away from a spinning main.

There are reems and reems of arguments for and against, but look at the last 10 years or fatality reports. Many of the low cutaway/low reserve pull and low cutaway/no reserve pulls wouldn't have happened.

All this has said before, but skydiving is a sport of odds/risk management. Anything that's going to increase your odds statistically, IMO is a good thing.

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For there you have been, and there you long to return..."

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I think if I didn't have a cypress I would put an RSL on. I believe that in a cutaway from a spinning mal an RSL will get your reserve out and your reserve PC and inflating reserve will drogue you stable.

The Skyhook will probably become very popular in years to come. For now, definitely either a cypress or RSL. I wouldn't want to go with neither, but both is probably a little overkill. Of the two, I prefer the cypress because of it's added benefit that it will open you if you don't pull at all.

DON'T give in to the "peer-pressure" you will doubtless receive from other jumpers that try to make it sound like an RSL is just bad ju-ju waiting to happen.

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A Cypres activates if you don't pull, or can't pull.

An RSL activates if you DO pull.

It seems to me they act for radically different reasons, under radically different conditions. Why on earth do you consider both of them overkill?


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I don't like to argue.

The reason I say a cypress can "replace" an RSL is that in the scenario of a cutaway where one is trying to "regain stability" before deploying their reserve and they go too low. The cypress won't let you cut away at 1500 feet and then wasted 1000 feet trying to "get stable."

However, with a cypress, I feel you have the "luxury" TO SOME DEGREE, to do the "get stable before pulling reserve" argument.

A cypress is a good idea no matter what, we agree? I've described the way I think it replaces a RSL, or adds redundancy to it. An RSL does not replace a cypress.

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From the Cypres User's Guide:

"In the event of a breakaway below this height [750 ft agl] CYPRES will operate down to apx 130 feet AGL. Below 130 feet AGL opening is no longer useful. For this reason, CYPRES ceases operation below apx 130 feet AGL."

You would still need a descent rate higher than 78 mph / 114.4 FPS.


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I've always had some doubts about RSLs and stability issues, but after reading about Bill Booth's new skyhook, I think he may have erased some of those doubts for me. I would still like to get some feed back on that system after there are a lot of them in use, but if it's like any of Bill's other innovations, 3 rings, hand deploys, and skyhooks, may soon be on every rig.
Blue Skies

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You would still need a descent rate higher than 78 mph / 114.4 FPS.

Exactly. If you cutaway at say 800 ft. I doubt that in 50 ft you could accelerate last enough for the reserve to deploy.


However, with a cypress, I feel you have the "luxury" TO SOME DEGREE, to do the "get stable before pulling reserve" argument.

:S however should never to relied appon and be a backup only.

On a side note does anyone know the height, approximately, someone would have to fall to get to cypress activation speed?

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According to an old and possibly inaccurate freefall table I have:

After 5 seconds your speed will be 124 feet/second.
After 5 seconds you will have fallen 366 feet.

Yeah that seems pretty accurate actually. Just remembered someone telling me once that a skydiver accelerates at 18 ft/s/s so that seems bout right.. the first 5 seconds is around 500 feet? So on that basis you'd have to be cutaway by 1200 ft for the cypres to take effect.

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"don't give much time for an opening / picking a spot to land. "

Have you ever seen any 'cypres saves' video, chosing a decent landing area simply isn't an option, more so in the low cutaway scenario.
Best avoided by maintaining altitude awareness......

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