Bay area college skydiving clubs

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my school doens't seem to have one, I was wondering if anybody know if there's a college near by that has a skydiving club that I can join? I'm in Palo Alto

I'm interested in getting licensed, is there a particular place around here you guys would suggest I go?


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There are no "clubs" in the bay area that I am aware of. I have not heard of any of the bay area university's that had clubs either. There are several private skydiving operations sorrounding the bay area that are open and offer the information and training you would want. Are you at Stanford?

The dropzones you would want to look into are:

All kick tremendous butt...

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yea I guess colleges don't like to sponsor skydiving. my dorm was going to arrange a skydiving trip and then the housing people found out and wouldn't let us do it. thanks for the suggestions I'll check out those dropzones. and yea I'm at stanford

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do you get the same kind of license if you learned it through static line or AFF? and is the license you get valid everywhere in the world

I looked at the program cost in those drop zones mentioned above and there some pretty big differences, what's that all about?

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Cal had a skydiving club for two different periods in the last 30 years or so. We used to get a regular showing from Stanford at the old Antioch DZ in the early 80's. Nowadays, liability risks just seem to shut down any attempts at forming a club at the college/university level.

Doesn't mean you can't get a group together "unofficially".


Main goals in life: Be on the "Jumpers Over Eighty" (JOE) World Record and attend the Lost Prairie Boogie once after I'm gone.

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How many college skydiving clubs across the country DO exist? I thinking only a dozen or so.

I used to have a list, it was actually more than a dozen. Ours is the oldest though and the only one that owns and operates our own DZ. We get no sponsorship from the university whatsoever to operate though we do get 100 per person (up to 10) to travel to collegiates

I'll see if I can find the list again

Found it (It's from 2002 so some of the information could be outdated)


University of Alabama http://www.bama.ua.edu/~skydive/default.htm Mark@Kalupa.com


University of Southern California
Caltech http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~mvanier/skydive.html mvanier@bbb.caltech.edu


US Air Force Academy http://www.usafa.af.mil/wing/34og/98thpg.html Adam.Jones@usafa.af.mil


FIU Flying Panthers www.fiu.edu/~skydive skydivefiu@hotmail.com

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University* http://www.db.erau.edu/campus/student/clubs/freefall/ daniellemford@hotmail.com

Florida State University*
http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/Curb/3670/cypres.html xkarmanax@yahoo.com
UF Falling Gators http://www.afn.org/~fg/ mikereed@ufl.edu


Georgia Tech http://cyberbuzz.gatech.edu/skydive/ gte289n@prism.gatech.edu


University of Illinois Falling Illini http://www.uiuc.edu/ro/fallingillini/ prieto@students.uiuc.edu

Southern Illinois University
http://www.siu.edu/departments/rso/skyd/ tweb80@hotmail.com

University of Chicago http://student-www.uchicago.edu/orgs/skydive/index.html
Eastern Illinois University http://www.pen.eiu.edu/~cumls1/skycats.html

Illinois Institute of Technology http://www.iit.edu/~skydive/ camejos@charlie.iit.edu

Northern Illinois University http://www.sa.niu.edu/SKYDIVING/index.html NIUSKYDIVING@HOTMAIL.COM


Ball State Flying Cardinals
Purdue University http://expert.cc.purdue.edu/~skydive/ purdueskydiving@hotmail.com

University of Indiana Falling Hoosiers http://php.indiana.edu/~skydive/

DePauw University http://acad2.depauw.edu/~demison/FlyingTigers.html demison@depauw.edu


Iowa State University http://www.stuorg.iastate.edu/skydivers/ careyb@iastate.edu


Kansas State University*
http://www.ksu.edu/ksupc/ KSUPC@KSU.EDU


Western Kentucky University http://www2.wku.edu/~skydive chipstcharles@earthlink.net

Murray State University Skydiving Club http://campus.murraystate.edu/skydive/ skydive@murraystate.edu


Univerity of Maryland Flying Terpedos http://www.inform.umd.edu/StudentOrg/cpsc lgershen@wam.umd.edu

UMBC http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~jcorns1/skydiving/skydiving.html
United States Naval Academy

http://www.geocities.com/usna_skydiving/ m047188@usna.edu


Massachusettes Institute of Technology http://www.mit.edu:8001/activities/skydive/home.html drb@mit.edu

University of Massachusettes

http://skydive.umassp.edu/ reservations@jumptown.com


St. Cloud State University http://condor.stcloud.msus.edu/~skydive/ Mhubbard@Stcloudstate.edu

New Jersey

Princeton University SkyTigers http://www.princeton.edu/~dankorn/skydive/ dankorn@princeton.edu

New York

US Military Academy http://www.usma.edu/uscc/dca/clubs/jump/index.htm ym6833@exmail.usma.army.mil

North Carolina

Carolina Skydiving Club http://www.unc.edu/depts/armyrotc/skydive.htm marksc@email.unc.edu


OSU Skydiving Club http://www.ohio-state.edu/students/skydiving born.23@osu.edu

University of Cincinnati
http://members.aol.com/ucskydive/ mcm114@hotmail.com


University of Oregon Flying Ducks http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~clbsprts/skydiving.html zeckey911@hotmail.com


LeHigh University
University of Pennslyvania http://dolphin.upenn.edu/~freefall/ freefall@dolphin.upenn.edu

Bucknell University http://www.students.bucknell.edu/bcarpent/ bcarpent@bucknell.edu

South Carolina
College of Charleston http://www.cofc.edu/~skydive/ slclappe@edisto.cofc.edu

University of South Carolina* http://www.skydiveusc.com/ pres@skydiveusc.com

Clemson University* http://people.clemson.edu/~dixsky/ abaier@clemson.edu


Vanderbilt Sport Parachute Club* http://www.vanderbilt.edu/skydive/ Steve.Caltagirone@Owen2002.vanderbilt.edu


Texas A&M University http://stuact.tamu.edu/stuorgs/skydive/ jumpout@tamu.edu

University of Texas http://www.LonghornSkydivers.org Info@longhornskydivers.org

Texas Tech Flying Raiders http://members.theglobe.com/skydiving/

University of Wisconsin-Madison http://www.sit.wisc.edu/~madskydive/ madskydive@stdorg.wisc.edu


Queens University (Northern Ireland) http://quis.qub.ac.uk/pchute/ mullinryan@hotmail.com
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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I graduated from Cal (UC Berkeley) in 72 (BSEE). We had a small club during most of the 4 years I was there. We mostly jumped at Livermore, but sometimes went to Antioch. I don't think any of us could afford squares, just cheapos and PCs. The good old days... free love and cheap jumps.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Members of our loosely organized Cal Skydiving Club included Doug Hansmann (ME), Bob Hink (physics), me (EE), and a few others whose last names I cannot recall. Packing chutes in the Student Union plaza during semi annual events promoting campus clubs got a lot of attention from girls. It apparently was more interesting to them than chess or astronomy club. For some reason the skydiving club membership always seemed heavy on the science and engineering side. We jumped out of Perry Stevens' plane, an Aeronca Sedan? (called the RAT because of its general appearance) at Livermore and sometimes out of a Twin Beech, C 180 or C 206.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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My first jump was out of the Aeronca, Sunday April 26th, 1969.
It felt like your foot could break through the floor at any time.
I remember Bob and Doug, sorry Mark.

CM Solis did the orientation at the first club meeting I went to.

mad john

Main goals in life: Be on the "Jumpers Over Eighty" (JOE) World Record and attend the Lost Prairie Boogie once after I'm gone.

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We have just started a big site to get all college clubs together. There is a lot of info about everything from starting a club, to maintaining a club, and a list of current and active clubs.


Let me know if you have any questions.
Send a PM or something.
Ben Lee

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i THINK UC Santa Cruz has one. something about flying slugs:S

Thats cool, I had no Idea. I know we have a Ski club and they do make a skydiving trip once a year. I didn't know there was a skydiving club though, I'll have to look in to that. We go To skydive Monetary bay and I think we even call our group the flying slugs for the day.
Fly like a girl

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