
Espace Boogie Lapalisse?

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no news on espace boogie website, no news on Lapalisse website.

Last news were :
-some Babylon will be there
-boogie will be held in Lapalisse
-no AN72, no C130 :|
-Milko will nnot be there

Best advice would be to email Lapalisse DZ to get more info.

Poor communication for what used to be one of the greatest european boogies.
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Thanks for the info, I've been watching both lapalisse-aero.com & espaceboogie.com for the last few weeks and they both say full info soon but theres only a couple of weeks to go now!

So I guess its going to be quite a low key affair with just the skyvan then....

Anyone know any different?

Edit to add - Just found out there will be a Twin Otter there too!!

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For a while, they were holding Espace every other year as a big boogie with a special aircraft. Then, they tried running it every year, but with the Herc Boogie happenning also every other year, the attendence suffered.
f its still the saem format, even with JUST 2 skyvans and 2 otters, its an awsome event for very high quality RW jumps.

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My input is a few years old now I guess (2000-2001), but they were doing detailed breifs and debebriefs with whiteboards for you freaks too.

Again, maybe it has changed, but the quality of jumping is high for the groups. I think they required 500 jumps for RW jumpers to get on the groups, and those were the smaller ones.

Espace was for high quality, good size sequential (we were doing 3-5 point 20 ways). I think the same could have been said of the freeflyers group then too.

Dont know now.

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